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Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Robin Bledsoe & Quentin Cane
Photo by martingarri

Why is Obesity a problem?

  • Obesity has became a worldwide public health problem.
  • Obesity is far more serious than simply being a few pounds overweight.
Photo by monkeyc.net

Obesity statistics in America is 30.6 percent Running a close second to Mexico, with 24.2 percent.

How does the media present obesity?

  • Media takes obesity serious as well as a joke.
Photo by 55Laney69

For example, movies like The Nutty Professor, Norbit, and Shallow Hall.

Fat humor movies is so common, people may think it is acceptable to make jokes about being obese/overweight.

Photo by tim caynes

The media also takes obesity seriously because they have shows like The Biggest Loser to implement weight loss.

What are some problems for obesity?

  • Eating too much, and moving too little.
  • This problem happens to be man-made.
  • Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, hypertension
  • and coronary heart disease.

Groups that are impacted by Obesity

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According to the Department of Health & services, In women obesity is highest among 82% black women, 76% hispanic, and 64% white women.

In men, obesity are highest among Hispanic men 82%, 74 white men, and 70% black men.

Potential solutions for Obesity.

Photo by Franck Chicot

To develop a healthy diet.

  • Calorie controlled snacks.
  • Healthier fast food.
  • Lowfat and Fat-free Dairy products.
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Our Solution to Obesity.

A great solution to obesity is to start a health organization setting individuals active from all age groups.

Another idea to address obesity is to improve school food by serving healthy items. For example, baked chicken, wheat bread, and vegetables.

Photo by ecstaticist

Say No to Whoppers!

  • calories   650
  • Protein 22g
  • Carbohydrates 50g
  • Sodium 910mg
  • Trans Fat 1.5g

Exercise and eat healthy to prevent Obesity.

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Photo by Gaulsstin