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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Nutrition : The Alano Español no need a amount the food elevated .

The feed be more what sufficient but somenting the meat no come wrong .
Logic a fedding very careful to base of meat , rice and verdure would It ideal .

2.The Alano Español :

living space: often live in brabos farms where bulls are bred, also need to spend energy so it is necessary to walk him even have a garden.

Photo by Julio Codesal

3.The Alano Español :

Health: it is very hard, not only in appearance and has no health problems beyond the tendency to gain weight and could say that is insensitive to pain.

4.The Alano español :

care: requires at least three walks a day and plenty of exercise, live 11 to 14 years with the vitality of a bull.

5.The Alano Español :

color: can be brindle and fawn, black, brindle, or Tweet alobado .Mide between 55 and 60 inches and weighs between 35-45 kg.

6. The Alano Español :

CHARACTER: The Spanish Alano has a very dominant and serious temperament, but it is controllable and very submissive dog with its owner. Is a breed is very affectionate with family and acquaintances.

Photo by dayer3

7.The Alano español.
It only requires a bath When necesary , and we should not remove the natural oils form the skin .
No loose much hair compared to other racen .

Photo by Rob Swatski

8.The Alano Español .
This breed has never been created to be admired , has always been a rustic dog, who used to work hard from the antiguedad in Spain for thousands of years .

Photo by kevindean

9. The Alano Español :
The Alano can be a difficult race to educate dog inside the home, so it´s better to be out of the house. Males Alano puppies tend to bite and be more destructive than females.

Photo by fviau

10. The Alano Español :
HISTORY OF RACE: The Spanish Alano is a very old breed of dog. There are several theories about its origins, most people associate the Spanish Alano today with the dogs Alano People.

Photo by sparktography