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Napoleon Bonaparte

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Napoleon Bonaparte

By: Chandler Solom
Photo by classic_film

Napoleons Childhood: Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769 on the isle of Corsica. In France Napoleon attended a school where he learned to speak the French language. After he went on to a military academy at the age of 9, where he graduated at 16 years old in 1785.

Napoleons Military Career:
Napoleon quickly rose through the ranks and he became a second lieutenant for an artillery regiment for the French army. As time passed he learned strategy and how to publicly speak. In 1792 France went to war with Austria. Napoleon took his cut rate army and turned it into something special. He and his army won battle after battle. When he came back to France Napoleon was a star. This is when he started to conquer other countries.

Napoleon's Reign:
From 1803 to 1815 Napoleon attacked and conquered much of European nations. During this time period Napoleon sold a chunk of land to the U.S. called the Louisiana Purchase. In October 1805 the British destroyed Napoleons fleet, but in December the same year Napoleon and his army beat the Australians and the Russians. This is known to be his greatest victory of all time.

Napoleon fought wars in many places such as: Austria, Paris, Matla, The Netherlands, Egypt, Syria and even France.

Photo by janwillemsen

Napoleon is Emperor:
In 1799 Napoleon took political power and then in 1804 he crowned himself Emperor of France.

Napoleons Crowning

Photo by mary hodder

Napoleons Downfall:
Around 1808 France was involved in a war that involved many other nations including Britain, Portugal and the Spanish. This was called the Peninsular War. They fought Napoleon until he had to retreat to France. At the same time the French were being invaded by Russia. All these events led to Napoleon's downfall and then him leaving the throne in 1814.

My Reaction:
I was very surprised that Napoleon who was French could be such an amazing general and conqueror. Because most of the time all I heard and read about was all the battles that France lost to the British like the 7 year war. So I was surprised that Napoleon could beat both Australia and Russia. But in the end France was beaten by the British but with the aid of other countries too. I think that if France wasn't being invaded by Russia during the Peninsular war that Napoleon might have won and then would to conquer other nations.