(Repetition) THE HOT SUMMER DAY As I feel the sand tickle my toes, But when I feel it's scratchy crabs, When I touch the sand, As the animals touch it's land, But when you see,the beach is the place to go in the...SUMMER
(Alliteration) MR.MORRISES MAZE Mr.Morrises mind is mischievous, He thought of the thing to trouble the brain, A maze he presumed presenting pairs of proposturous people, Telling the idea of irresistible intelligence inquiring the maze, Thinking thoughtfully that this was the best thing, But by boring presentations his idea decreased down the drain, And Mr.Morris's mind was no more!
(Onomatopoeia) ALL BECAUSE OF A CAT Meow goes the cat, Woof woof goes the dog, Psss goes the rat, Whoosh goes the fog, Thud goes the clouds, "Run" go the people saying loud, All this because of a cat!
Metaphor THE FRIENDSHIP SYMBOL This tree is held by the friendship roots, The branches hold us all, Either us being big or being small, But when they bend or break, The friendship breaks with it, And they fly or move away, To a different land and stay for every day, Ohh friendship tree hold us together for eternity!
HUMAN TREE? We are like a tree, Are roots are like our feet, Are body the trunk, When trees get tangled on other trees they look meet, Our head is like the top, And our personality is the leaves, Because it's like it always falls away!