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Morphology Unit 4

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Nonagon non-noun

A nine sided polygon

If you add one more side to an octagon you will make a nonagon.

November nov-noun

The 11th month for the year, for only the ninth

November used to be the ninth month of the year, before July and August were added to the calendar; now is the 11th month.

Decade dec-noun

A period of ten years

I was born a decade ago.

Photo by Great Beyond

Decimeter dec-noun

One tenth of a meter; ten centimeters

The apples measured about one decimeter long.

Photo by siavogel

Decimal dec-adjective

Based on the number 10

Decimal numbers are less then one whole, but we like whole numbers they follow the same base ten pattern.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Century cen-noun

A period of 100 years

The church, built in 1913, is more then a cenurty old.

Photo by snowpeak

Percent per-noun

One part in a hundred, an amount that is equal to one-one hundredth of something

Over thirty percent of the class failed the social studies test.

Photo by the great 8

Centigrade cent-adjective

Relating to the temperature scale in which is the boiling point of water is that 100° and freezing point of water is at 0°

The centigrade and Celsius temperature scales are essentially the theme.

Photo by derekbruff

Centurion cent-noun

A person who is 100years old or older

I would ask a centurion how did they live that long.

Photo by Menage a Moi

Centimeter cent-noun

A length equal to 1/100 meter; ten millimeters

An inch is equal two a half centimeter.