More On The Atmosphere

6th grade science



Photo by williac


  • Water vapor is water in the form of a gas.
  • It is not the same thing as steam, which is tiny droplets of water.
  • The amount of water vapor in the air varies greatly from place to place.

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  • Clouds are formed from water vapor that has condensed out of the air and formed tiny droplets of water, or crystals of ice.
  • If these droplets or crystals become heavy enough, they fall as rain or snow.

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  • The amount of water vapor in the air can greatly affect an area's landscape.
  • Which place do you think has more water vapor in the air: a desert or a rain forest?
  • What factors would affect how much water vapor is in the air?
Photo by sig_s


  • Pure air contains only gases.
  • The air in the real world, however, contains tiny solid and liquid particles of dust, smoke, salt, and chemicals.
  • Sometimes you can see some of these particles in the air around you, but most of them are too small to see.
Photo by Juliana Malta


  • What is a system?

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  • A is System is a group of elements that are interdependent, and that act upon each other to form a complex whole.
  • An example is the human body considered as whole.
Photo by perpetualplum

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  • The atmosphere is a system that interacts with other Earth systems, such as the ocean.
  • It has many parts you can see such as clouds.
  • It also has many parts you can't see, such as air, wind, and energy.
  • You may be able to feel energy from the sun, or the wind blowing.
Photo by Luigi_Alesi

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  • The wind blowing and the sun's energy may seem unrelated.
  • However, different parts of the atmosphere interact with one another.
  • Events in one part of the atmosphere affect other parts of the atmosphere.
Photo by davinaware

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  • Energy from the sun drives the motions in the atmosphere.
  • Storms such as hurricanes involve a huge amount of energy.
  • Hurricanes have a spiraling motion due in part to the Earth's rotation.
  • Hurricanes also gain their energy from warm ocean water that has been heated by the sun.

Alicia Wolf

Haiku Deck Pro User