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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama because she believed she should have the same rights as white people.

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Ralph Abernathy organized the first mass meeting for the Montgomery Bus Boycott on December 1, 1955, after Ms. Parks was arrested. He believed people should have equal rights. It took place in Montgomery, Alabama.

Asa Philip Randolph organized the March on Washington, which occurred on August 28, 1963. He believed in human equality. It took place in Washington.

Bayard Rustin assisted Philip Randolph with the March on Washington, in Montgomery, Alabama on August 28, 1963. He and Randolph worked for the same reason.

In October 19, 1960 Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King Jr. is arrested during a sit-in at a Rich's department store fighting for human equality.

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