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Mission Statement

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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I will be respectful to people in my life because I would like to treat people the way I want to be treated.

Photo by Puzzler4879

I will be reliable to those who need me so that I can be a person people can depend on.

Photo by Koshyk

I will be truthful at all times because being truthful can help me achieve more academically and socially. "Don't change so people will like you, be yourself and the right people will love the real you."-anonymous

Photo by Puzzler4879

I will be a hard worker in everything so that I can achieve my goals. I won't give up on my goals,I will push myself to complete each one.

I will be courteous in my life so that people see me as polite and considerate in manner.

Photo by kev-shine

I will be responsible at all times because this will help me in my academic career as well as my future career. Being responsible will help me understand the real world and what success is.

I will be dependable at all times in my life because people will know that they can count on me if they need a friend."Others will like you if your dependable."-anonymous

I will always be unselfish in life because I want to share with the people around me. "To live a pure unselfish life,one must count nothing as ones own in the midst of abundance."-Buddha

Photo by Puzzler4879

I will stay positive constantly in my life because being positive will help me achieve more things.Being positive will help me not give up during an obstacle that comes my way.Being positive will make me happier and I will enjoy life.

I will always be devoted because I want to be loving and loyal to the people in my life,my academics, and my sports.I want to be passionate about the things going on in my life so I won't give up.

I created these ten mission statements to help me become a more principled person. I will use each mission statement in my life everyday to help me be more successful in everything I do.

Photo by ecstaticist