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Light at the End

Published on Jul 05, 2016

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Light at the End

Lacey Chollett: RDNG 649 Final Exam
Photo by Becca Swift

Class Binder

Reading, writing, & viewing
Included in the binder:
1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Syllabus
4. Calendar
5. Grade Tracker (each six weeks)
6. Chapter divider
7. Vocabulary list/questions
8. Vocabulary worksheet/quizzes
9. Handouts
10. Notes
11. Exam
Repeat 6-11 for each chapter
Photo by clicksense


Reading, writing, & viewing
1. Double-sided Vocabulary Lists
2. Illustrations
3. Concept Circles

Anchor Charts

Reading & viewing
1. Analyzing a document
-SOAPSTone: speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, subject, tone
2. Double-sided vocabulary, concept circles, etc. templates
3. Questions to ask when you read
4. How to create a timeline
5. Types of charts/organizers
-KWL, Semantic Feature Analysis, Venn Diagrams, T-chart, and Webs
6. Graphs
-Supply and demand shifts
Photo by diedm

Picture Books

Listening & viewing
1. Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Deborah Hopkinson
-Slavery and the Underground Railroad
2. The Desert is Theirs by Byrd Baylor
-Native Americans
3. Sleeping Ugly by Jane Yolen
-Feminist Movement
4. Snow White in New York by Fiona French
-United States in the 1920s
5. The Giant's Toe by Brock Cole
-American War for Independence

Class Discussions

Reading, writing, listening, & speaking
1. Socratic Seminars
2. Debates
Photo by crlsblnc

Collaborative Learning

Reading, writing, listening, speaking, & viewing
1. Small group discussions
2. Group projects
3. Think-pair-share
4. Jigsaw

Writing Response

Reading, writing, listening, & viewing
1. Journals
2. DBQs
In response to videos, cartoons, and texts.
Photo by ♥ jules

Review Games

Reading, listening, speaking, & viewing
1. Obstacle Course
-Stations with problems
-Moving between stations: hop, skip, lunge, etc.
2. Flyswatter Game
-Words/People on the board
-Two students face off to find the correct answer
-First correct=scores a point for their team
3. Headbands
-Small groups
-Students ask questions to get clues about what they are
-Make guesses based on other students' answers to those questions
4. Baseball
-Each pitch is a question
-Correct answer=hit
-Incorrect answer=strike
-Advance around the bases to score points


Reading, writing, listening, speaking, & viewing
1. Can you survive the Oregon Trail? (group project)
-Groups of 4-5
-Make decisions about supplies, pace, & directions
-Overcome problems
2. Stock market
-"Buy" and "sell" shares
-Track profits/deficits
3. College budget
-Job and wage
-Expenses: rent, tuition, food, and supplies
4. Living within your means (group project)
-Students in pairs (married, engaged, dating)
-Students by themselves (divorced, widowed, single)
-Different mix of occupations
-Make decisions based on real life events (fired, moving)
Photo by wbeem

Multimedia Assignments

Writing, listening, speaking, & viewing
1. Serious for a Minute (Video)
-Create a PSA about a topic
-Create a tribute to a historical figure
2. News Program (Video)
-Present facts about an event
3. Classmate Dictionary Project (Audio)
-Create dictionary-like definitions of a classmate
-Record the pronunciation of their name
-Record the definition
Photo by tim caynes