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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Leopards have around 100 million scent smelling cells which makes them a good smeller
  • Leopards have 4 canine teeth to kill and tear prey apart
  • Leopards have a layer of absorbing light cells that helps see at night
  • Leopards have a flexible spine that helps land on their feet when jumping
  • Leopards have fur that camaflouges with their habitat, the rosettes look like little rocks


  • A mother gives birth to usually 2-4 leopard cubs
  • For the first 6 months of their lives, the mother feeds them milk
  • When they are 6 yrs, their mother brings meat
  • When they Are 1 yrs, they start hunting with their mother
  • When they are two yrs, they leave and find their own territory
Photo by Subharnab

Black Panthers
Black panthers are leopards that have dark fur. They also have rosettes and spots, it is just hard to see. Black panthers camaflouge at night, nobody would even guess they are there.

Leopard cubs are sometimes prey for hyenas, jackals,baboons, and other big cats such as lions. But their worst enemy are humans, not just for leopard cubs.

Photo by Mister-E

Leopards are endangered because many humans hunt them for fur, bones, whiskers and body parts many people wrongly believe that leopard parts may cure sick people.

Photo by Archbob

Leopards live from Savannas to deserts to rain forests to zoos. They live in south china and Africa. They are the most wide spread big leopards.

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