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Landmark Cases

Published on Sep 02, 2017

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by Jeni McGee

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

  • The Act, passed in 1975,covers all children with disabilities. The IDEA Act gave children with disabilities free and appropriate public education. Schools are required to provide education and get funds from the Act to support their students. Teachers must refer to the IEP to aide students in achieving their goals.

Tittle IX and Sex Discrimination

  • Passed in 1972, the act protects people from discrimination based on sex in programs that are federally funded. The acts enforces and investigates discrimination based on sex within schools federally funded education programs.
  • The Act helps teachers stay aware of potential biases they might hold.
Photo by João Silas

Title I

  • As of 1965, all children should be given the opportunity to fair and significant chance at a good education. The purpose of this act is to ensure high standards are being upheld nation wide. It also ensures that lower proficient school get the support they need. Schools and teacher are held accountable through state testing to meet achievement goals.

Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education

  • Passed in 1988 in order to orchestrate research to build gifted and talented resources in schools. Focuses on identifying children in minority groups who need g&t services. Provides schools with competitive grants to serve these studnets. Teachers can apply to the grants to increase their funding and support of their g&t students.
Photo by Kari Shea

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

  • Passed in 1973, the Act covers students with a disability that inhibits or limits a major life activity.
  • Schools must meet the needs of the diabled students as adeqautly as the non stisabled students
  • Teachers must know the 504 plan and how to assist the student in their necessary activities.
Photo by kevin dooley

Lau v. San Francisco Unified School District

  • The decision came down in 1974 that providing English Language Learners given the same curriculum were not given the support they needed in the classroom in order to succeed ans a "normal" student would. Schools and teachers must provide ELL students with the support they need to learn English and the content they teach.
Photo by Kiwihug