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Korean War

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Photo by Kevin Burkett

It started when the North Korean communist army crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. The US then jumped in to provide aid to South Korea.

General McArthur lead US troops into South Korea to fight against the. North Korean army and their allies.

The people's republic of China were scared the US was going to take North Korea as a military base so they sent troops to support North Korea.

Photo by archangel 12

The Chinese army attacked US forces and LT. general Ridgway improved American moral and started to swing the war against Chinese communists.

Photo by Alpstedt

McArthur wanted to invade China but Truman would not allow him to, in a turn of events McArthur was fired.

Separated North and South Korea because of their political differences. North Korea was communist and South Korea was not.

Photo by D-Stanley

The us retreated from the war because of lack of support and the toll it was talking on American military.

Photo by Moyan_Brenn

In July 27,1953 North Korea and South Korea and the other allies involved were supposed to sign an agreement, but South Korea did not want to sign so they created another agreement.

Today there is a 2 and a half mile long buffer between north and South Korea called the demilitarized zone. This keeps the two countries fairly happy.