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King Philips War

Published on Aug 31, 2020

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King Philips War

Info about King Philip

Info about King Phillip

  • King Philip was also known as Metacom
  • He was born 1638, Massechuuets
  • He was a intertribal leader of a group of indeginious people.
  • Some of the groups he was a leader for were Wampanoag and Narraganset.
  • Massasiot was the leader of Wampanoag Indians and he maintained peace with New Englanders.
  • Massasoit son is now

King Philip's War

King Phillips war

  • The war took place in Southern New England from 1675 to 1676
  • It occurred because the Native American's were trying to prevent the English from settling in their native land.

Effects of the war

Effects of the war

  • Metacom, his wofe and son were all killed
  • Europena colonists retaliated by destroying Native villages
  • Many Native were killed in the process

Significance of the war

Significance of the war

  • Many coloniets taht the natives were relbellious after the war
  • Many natives were as bold after the war
  • Colonists continued to take over more Ntaive lands.