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It takes a village...

Published on Nov 24, 2015

RTI2 Presentation


it takes a village...

Photo by angela7dreams

It takes a village...

To keep a child safe.

it takes a village...

To provide a child food.
Photo by cafemama

it takes a village...

To comfort a child.
Photo by wickenden

it takes a village...

To keep a child well.

it takes a village...

To keep a child active.
Photo by Art Jessen

It takes a village...

To inspire a child.
Photo by John-Morgan

it takes a village...

To teach a child math.
Photo by Steven Leith

it takes a village...

To teach a child to read.
Photo by MyTudut

it takes a village...

To teach a child the importance of education.
Photo by mariskar

it will take all of us...

To make a difference.
Photo by ReverendMungo


Alamo City School - "It takes a village."