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Island of the Blue Dolphin

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Island of the Blue Dolphin

By: Sydney Taylor and Julia Vasquez
Photo by vl8189

Vocabulary for chapters 1-7

  • Cormorant: A voracious seabird
  • Ravine: A narrow steep-sided valley
  • Abalone: A large mollusk with a flat oval shell with edible flesh
  • Yucca Fiber: Fiber from a plant with stiff, sword-shaped leaves
  • Headland: A high point of land extending into a large body of water
Photo by Edgar Barany

Chapter 1
One day a ship full of Aleuts came to the Island of the Blue Dolphin. The captain of the ship, Captain Orlov, made a deal with the chief of Ghalas-at, Chief Chowig. The deal was the Aleuts could stay on the island if they gave half of the otter pelts they hunted to the tribe.

Chapter 2
The Island of the Blue Dolphin was named because it looked like a dolphin lying on its side.It has two springs and the Aleuts camped at one of them. The two groups spied on each other, the tribe knew this because the Aleuts came and asked for their white bass after they had collected many.

Photo by robposse

Chapter 3
Karana worries that there will not be any otter left by the time the Aleuts leave. While this happens, the tribe has a stronger worry that the Aleuts will leave the island without paying them the otter pelts.

Chapter 4
The Aleuts packed up and were ready to leave without having paid the tribe.The tribe got worried and came to the beach where Captain Orlov tried to unfairly pay them. A deadly battle broke out and killed many of the Ghalas-at people, and few Aleuts. A storm broke out and the Aleuts fled.

Chapter 5
Since the battle had killed very many men, including the chief, so Kimki was chosen to take his place. He had the women take the place of the men who were killed, and thier was a big disagreement over this.

Chapter 6
The tribe watched for the return of Kimki, but he didn't come back.They chose a new chief named Matasaip, who had them prepare for if the Aleuts came back. One night a man was on watch and he spotted a ship headed toward the island. The tribe prepared to leave, but then realized it was a white man's ship sent by Kimki to take them to a new place.

Chapter 7
The tribe packs and prepares to travel to their new home that Kimki had found. As the tribe is getting on the ship Karana realizes that her brother, Ramo is still on the island. Karana gets scared as they are moving further away from the island, so she jumps off and swims back to keep her brother safe.

O'Dell, S. (1998). Island of the Blue Dolphins.
Evanston, Illinois: Mcdougal Littell.

Author's Page
Sydney Taylor is a sixth grader at Wood Elementary. She lives in Arlington with her parents, brother, and sister. Her brother is in ninth grade at Martin High School, and her sister is in eighth grade at Boles Junior High. Sydney enjoys gymnastics, cheerleading, and dance. She also enjoys spending time with friends and family. When she is older, Sydney hopes to be a doctor.

Author's page
Julia Vasquez is a sixth grader at Wood Elementary. She lives in Arlington Texas. Julia is eleven years old, and her birthday is January 21, 2003. She lives with her parents along with a little brother, two dogs,and a cat. Julia enjoys playing volleyball, being a cheerleader, and doing gymnastics. She hopes to be a wax figure artist like her mother.