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Intonation: It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It

Published on Jun 28, 2016

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It's not ↑ WHAT you say | it's ↑ HOW you say it
Photo by photosteve101

Define / Differentiate

  • pitch
  • tone
  • key
Photo by Hindrik S

In Music:

  • pitch - frequency that you sing or play
  • tone - frequency that you hear
  • key - group of notes on which a scale is based

In phonology:

  • pitch - frequency of sound
  • tone - change in pitch (direction)
  • key - the "setting" from which a pitch change might begin or end
Photo by Brett Jordan

Question: What is the difference between rhythm, stress and intonation?

Intonation: "Meaningful use that speakers make of changes in their voice pitch."

Photo by Marc Wathieu

Suprasegmental Features

  • intonation
  • stress
  • rhythm
  • pausing
  • speech rate
Photo by Ardonik

Prosody of Speech

"By our powers combined"

Basic Unit: Tone Unit

  • centers on nucleus (as with stress) -> most prominent syllable = greatest pitch change
  • rising and falling tones (also rise-fall and fall-rise)
  • particular configuration of tones -> intonation contours
Photo by wella691

An A-Z of ELT

p. 110


Same words, different meanings
Photo by Ikhlasul Amal


"S*** Girls Say, Episode 3"

Functions of Intonation

  • grammatical -> difference between statements and questions
  • attitudinal -> indicating interest, surprise, boredom, etc. (*high or low involvement*)
  • discoursal -> contrasting new information with already known information

Darling Discourse

  • intonation primarily a means for speakers to achieve coherence over stretches of talk
  • separates speech into blocks of information (tone units)
  • marks the significance of information within and among those units


  • new information - rise
  • continuation - rise
  • completion - fall
  • also: rise-fall & fall-rise
Photo by Ben Husmann


  • high key - contrast previous utterance
  • low key - obvious or by the way (in parentheses)
  • mid-key - no change
Photo by QYR

QUIZ: Rise or Fall?

  • wh- questions
  • yes/no questions
  • question-tags: chat / check
  • lists
Photo by albertogp123

Don't forget:
tendencies, not rules

Photo by photosteve101

About Language

p. 40, Task 3


Conversation by the Numbers
Photo by raiznext


"If Couples' Fights Were Honest"


  • the meaningful use that speakers make of changes in their voice pitch
  • frequency of sound
  • emphasizing certain words to give the effect of regular beats
  • emphasizing certain syllables by increasing their loudness, length or pitch
  • basic unit of intonation
  • changes in pitch

Untitled Slide

Bonus Video!

Just for funsies -> "Prisencolinensinainciusol"