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Inside Mental ILLNESS

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Inside Mental ILLNESS

Emily nichols & Rhiannon kimona

What is Mental health?

  • Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well being. Mental health affects the way we think, feel, act, and handle stress

What can effect mental health?

  • Psychological Factors- emotions, attitudes, learning, beliefs, and stress management
  • Social Factors- family, peer relationships, culture, socioeconomic, and life experience.
  • Biological Factors- physical health/illness, genetics, neurotransmiters, medications, alcohol or drugs, and sleep.

what is metal illness

  • Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health. Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, paranoia, and eating disorder/addictive behaviors all classify as mental illness. Ongoing signs and symptoms cause stress and hurts the ability to properly function.

Types of


  • Neurodevelopment Disorders- ADHD, Autism, etc.
  • Schizophrenia Spectrum and other psychotic disorders- detachment from reality.
  • Bipolar and related disorders- mania episodes
  • Depressive Disorder- affects sadness and happiness


  • Anxiety Disorders- phobias, panic attacks, and general anxiety.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- OCD, trichotillomani (hair pulling disorder), and hoarding.
  • Trauma and Stress Related Disorders- PTSD, acute stress disorder
  • Dissociative disorder- disssociative identity disorder, dissociative amniseia


  • Somatic Symptoms and related disorders- Hypochondriacs, factitious disorder.
  • Feeding/Eating Disorders- Anorexia, Bulemia, etc.
  • Sleep-Wake Disorders- Insomnia, restless legs, sleep apnea.
  • Gender Dysphoria (Gender Identity Disorder)- distress of ones desire to be another gender.


  • Disruptive/Impulsive /Control and Conduct Disorders- Kleptomania, etc.
  • Substance Related and Addictive Behavior Disorders- caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and gambling.


  • Personality Disorders- borderline personality disorder, anti-social personality disorder
  • Neurological Disorders- affect the ability to think and reason, delirium, Alzheimer's, traumatic brain injury.



What is Psychotherapy?

  • Therapy that involves a therapist using a range of techniques to help a patient overcome troubles, gain insight, and achieve personal growth.

Pssychoanalytic Therapy And SIgmund Freud

  • Psychoanalytic therapy helped a patient access repressed feelings, memories, and unconscious thoughts, by using free associations and dream analysis, with hopeful interpretations by the therapist, until they gain self insite.
  • Created by Sigmund Freud and thought to be the parent of Pychodimanic therapy.


  • helps a patient focus on gaining insight on the impact of unconscious, internal forces, early relationships and childhood experiences.

Existentialist Humanistic

  • emphasizes human's inherent capacity for making rational choices, achieving self acceptance, and attaining their maximum potential.

Existentialist Humanistic

  • emphasizes human's inherent capacity for making rational choices, achieving self acceptance, and attaining their maximum potential.

Client centered Therapy

  • encourages therapists to help their clients by providing an empathetic, genuine, and accepting enviroment.


  • suggests that problem behavior as the issue, and that the best way to get rid of it is to replace it with better behavior; therapy aims to change behavior in order to change emotion and mood.


  • a behavior therapy procedure that uses classical conditioning to evoke new responses to stimuli that are triggering unwanted behavior

Averse conditioning

  • involves pairing an unpleasant stimuli with the targeted behavior

exposure therapy

  • treat anxiety by having a person face to face with their real or imagined situation that they typically avoid

systematic desensinization

  • a type of exposure therapy that associates a relaxed state of mind with a gradually increasing anxiety inducing situation


  • focuses on what people think rather than what they do.

Group Therapy

  • therapy that is conducted with groups rather than individuals, permitting therapeutic benefits from group interactions

family therapy

  • therapy that treats family as a system, views an individuals unwanted behavior as influence by, or directed at, other family members.


Pharmacotherapy (medication)

  • Anti-psychotics- treat symptoms of schizophrenia and other types of sevear thought disorders
  • Axiolytics- depress activity in the central nervous system (some people may become addicted to these particular medications)


  • Anti-depressants- treats depression and a number of anxiety disorder
  • Mood stabilizers- effective in smoothing out highs and lows of bipolar disorders.

Other forms of biomedical therapy

  • Electroconvulsive Therapy- involves sending a brief electrical shock through the brain of an anesthetized patient
  • Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation- involves the painless application of repeated electromagnetic pulses