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The Haters
By Jesse Andrews
Katie Herron
Period 3

Photo by Jon Tyson

How does a new relationship affect a persons behavior, lifestyle, and old relationships?

Photo by kenteegardin

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In the article “how do relationships change us,” talks to us about how oxytocin is released when we get into relationship with changes with the way we think how you perceive things. Since oxytocin dopamine I won’t make us happy you would do anything to stay happy. So if that means changing your lifestyle a little bit or just stop talking to some people because your significant other doesn’t like the idea of that then there’s a possibility you would change.

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Enduring relationships people usually end up changing anyways. Most of the time it gets a good change if we want to know why are you getting a toxic relationship where you were doing things you would never be doing before.

Similarly in the Haters to main characters end up falling in love and running away in running all across the country with their friend.
Photo by rawpixel

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In the world that we live in today media influences everybody. Most people want to be that picture perfect no problem everything‘s all right. Most of the time those relationships are fake and people don’t realize that so they try to change at any cost to be just like that.

In the book as the couple and their friends travel to the country they all begin to change your Cora values to the point where they’re doing things they will never of done before

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As you finish the novel you begin to realize how toxic the relationship between the three really was Even though it had its good points it was still a toxic relationship because they broke several laws and before this trip they were all at a jazz camp being perfect little kids.

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