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Published on Apr 06, 2019

poems about feeling trapped



by ria

Hummingbird, oh hummingbird, Sing a song I've never heard, Take me to the place you go when you disappear . . . Look at you so beautiful, I want to know your ruby soul, Hum your little whisper in my ear, Hum your little whisper in my ear . . .

Photo by theokaluza

prisoner princess

by ria

Whose crown is that? I think I know.

Its owner is quite sad though.

It really is a tale of woe,

I watch her sigh. I cry hello.

She gives her crown a little shake,

And sobs until the tears make.

The only other sound's the break,

Of distant waves and birds awake.

Photo by Neal.

The crown is golden, nostalgic and deep,

But she has promises to keep, deadly thoughts, how quietly they creep.
And dark secrets, oh so deep. Until then she shall not sleep.

Photo by Bogdan Dada

She rises from her bitter bed,

With thoughts of sadness in her head,

She idolizes being dead.

Facing the day with never ending dread.