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How to make a good slideshow

Published on Dec 04, 2015

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How to make a good slideshow

By: Jordan Steele
Photo by Rantz

Correct Grammar and Capitalization

  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly
  • Capitalize only words that need to be capitalized

Adding Information

Make sure you include all NECESSARY information, like anything that is important

Staying on Topic

Try not to jump off the main topic of your presentation

Make the Slides Stand Out

Chance backgrounds, colors, anything to specialize that slide 

Do Not Add too many pictures on the slides

Like Make sure you dont have more pictures than actual information

Slide Transition

If you have the option then change the way the slides move to make it look better

DON'T make the title so large that it covers the other text

It gets pretty hard to read when the words overlap

Take your time and fix any mistakes that you find

Its better to take longer and get a better grade rather than rush and fail

Make sure the text is easy to read

Dont make other people strain their eyes because the colors dont go together or the font is too small

gOOD presentation skills

Make sure everyone can hear you and you dont skip over any info in the Slides