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Slide Notes

Vision: a 45 to 50 min talk on the origins of Advent that is punctuated at appropriate points with slide presentation; community song; community prayer
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How Advent Was Born

Published on Nov 19, 2015

A presentation about the evolution of Advent.


Christmas and Advent

Vision: a 45 to 50 min talk on the origins of Advent that is punctuated at appropriate points with slide presentation; community song; community prayer

How Advent Was Born

Photo by Will Humes

Untitled Slide

Sunday Mass of the Resurrection

The Early Church
1. Earliest Church 33-300 focused only on the most basic things: Sunday Mass of the Resurrection,


Adult Baptism
Photo by WELS.net

The Catechumenate

and the Catechumenate


and the slow development of Lent as preparation for Baptism at Easter.


336 - 350 AD
300 – 550 AD:
First recorded Christmas Liturgy in 336 AD. Slow development in East and West. Pope Julius sets the
“date” for Christmas as 25 Dec worldwide.
Slides: crèche, nativity

Two traditions develop

France and Italy



St. Martin's Lent

Development of St. Martin’s Lent in France: 6 wk period of prep for Baptisms on St. Martin’s Day.
Photo by wandalouzy

John the Baptist


Penitential in nature: stress on John the Baptism /
Photo by Lawrence OP

Final Judgment

End of World, Second Coming



Devotional Advent 
Development of Devotional Advent: Diocese of Ravenna, Italy, with it’s connection to the East first starts in the West an Advent preparation in the weeks before Christmas Day

Untitled Slide


Untitled Slide

Advent Candle and wreath

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Untitled Slide

Result: 2 weeks of Penitential Advent and 2 weeks of devotional Advent.

First Readings from Isaiah

Week 1

Mark 13:33-37

Week 2

Mark 1: 1-8
Photo by Lawrence OP

Week 3

John 1:6-8, 19-28

Week 4

Luke 1:26-38
Photo by sofi01

Untitled Slide

Photo by DaffyDuke

Untitled Slide

Photo by hjl


Photo by kevin dooley