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History of books

Published on May 10, 2018

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history of books

by:Julianna Garcia

The first book was made in 1455 and was a bible called the Gutenburg bible and it was written in Latin it was the first major book printed in Europe.

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The inventor of the book was Johannes Gutenburg he invented the book to make thoughts on pages easier. He invented the book while also inventing the printing press.

Photo by Jackie TL

The two oldest books in the world is the Gutenburg bible which was the oldest book in the west and Buddhism’s diamond sutra.

The oldest book in the bible is The Pentateuch which is the first five books of Moses would have been written after the time of the Patriarchs.

Photo by Phil Roeder

The oldest religious book in history is called the Rig Veda of ancient Hinduism and is estimated to have been composed between 1700-1100 BCE it is not just the oldest but the most commonly used in modern Hindu practices.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao

The tale of Genji is considered to be the world’s oldest full length novel it was written by Murasaki Shikibu.

Photo by Mark Rasmuson

The evolution of the book

(a brief history)

In 3500 BC Sumerians would transcribe symbols onto moveable materials these were tablets that were made out of clay made by an ancient group of people known as Sumerians who lived in southern Mesopotamia around 3500 BC.

In 2400 BC The papyrus is a very thick paper like material that is made from the stem of the papyrus plant, a reed like swamp plant that used to be found along the Nile river. This was cut into thin strips, pressed together and then glued and dried to form a thin flat surface that could be written on. A calamus cut from the stem of a reed and then sharpened was often used to scribe.

Photo by colb

In 200-500 BC Parchment, a thin material that is made from calfskin, sheepskin or even goatskin was first developed as a substitute to Papyrus.

Photo by Mr. Skinner

In 200 BC Wax tablets were developed by the Romans and Greeks. The tablets were blocks of wood that was coated in wax allowing them to be written upon using a stylus, and later erased for re-use.
These tablets were sometimes joined together at one end with cords which was like the early form of a ring binder this is the earliest known form of a bound book.

In 868 AD The very first book is printed on paper in China, using a block of wood that had characters carved in reverse. Ink was then placed on the block of wood to create a print on paper. This technique is known as "block printing" and was originally used as early as 220 AD as a means of printing on cloth.A block of wood is carefully prepared with a knife, chisel or sandpaper along the grain of the wood. The content has to be created in reverse so that when printed it forms the mirror image.

In 1639-1640AD The Puritans arrive in the new land of opportunity and they bring North America's very first printing press. This press was transported to print America's very first book, "the Bay Psalm" which was published at Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1640 AD. The Bay Psalm is a "psalter", a volume containing the book of Psalms which is 150 sacred poems from the Hebrew Bible, which are sung then, translated into English.

Photo by Thomas Kelley

Now many years later books are sold online than bought at bookstores for a less expensive price but the book legacy still continues today.

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thank you for watching!

Photo by Hanny Naibaho