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History Of Atomic Theory

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • One of the first to suggest the existence of atoms
  • Had the idea that there must me some tiny amount of mass that can longer longer be divided
  • "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"

JOHN DALTON (1766-1844)

  • English Chemist
  • Studied the ratios in which elements combine in chemical reactions
  • Dalton used the observations of his work to come up with his atomic theory.
  • Was able to determine the relative mass of elements


  • Each element is composed of tiny, indestructible particles called atoms
  • All atoms of an element are identical
  • Atoms combine in simple, whole-number ratios to form molecules of compounds
  • Chemical reactions occur when atoms are separated from each other, joined, or rearranged in a different combination. Atoms of one element, however, are never changed into atoms of another element as a result of a chemical reaction

J.J. THOMSON (1856-1940)

  • Discovered the electron
  • Preformed the cathode-ray tube experiment
  • Came up with the plum pudding model of the atom
  • This model theorized that atoms are breakable and has electrons suspended in a positively charged electric field


  • Wanted to prove Thomson's "empty atom" theory
  • Shot alpha particles through gold foil
  • Some of the particles were deflected slightly or came back
  • Concluded that all the positive charge and almost all the mass are concentrated in a small region
  • Rutherford's model is called the nuclear atom, after his dicovery of the nucleus

NIELS BOHR (1885-1962)

  • Proposed that an electron is found only in specific circular paths, called orbits, around the nucleus
  • In his model of the atom, each orbit has a specific amount of energy
  • Found that when an atom gains energy, the electron leaps from a lower orbit to a higher one
  • This is called an excited state
  • When the electron goes from a higher to a lower orbit, it releases energy as a photon of light- a quantum of energy


  • Discovered an equation that predicts the probability of finding an electron with a certain amount of energy at a certain location in the atom
  • Came up with the Quantum-Mechanical model of the atom, which contained orbitals, regions with a high probability of finding an electron
  • This model also contains shells and subshells of the atom, where orbitals can be found