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Slide Notes

Presentation created by team Curagami

Created for presentation at FedEx Conference

Marty Smith

Modified 3.3
After seeing and hearing what stuck in Maryland we modified this deck to get to the tactics of winning online faster, explain them more and focus on how to slay Goliath.

Changed the picture to reflect the David vs. Goliath nature of competing with a scaled online giant like Amazon. Just like David, you can defeat the giant because YOU are more passionate and aware of your business than the giant will or can ever become.

This Haiku Deck and several posts on Curagami.com outline how Small To Medium Sized Businesses can win hearts, minds and loyalty in the New Ecommerce that lies just ahead.
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Hero Marketing: Compete With Amazon

Published on Nov 06, 2015

Hero Marketing combines passion, customer focus, exponential thinking and the creation of movements to help Small to Medium Sized Businesses (SMBs) compete with Amazon.


Hero Marketing

How SMB Merchants Can Compete
Presentation created by team Curagami

Created for presentation at FedEx Conference

Marty Smith

Modified 3.3
After seeing and hearing what stuck in Maryland we modified this deck to get to the tactics of winning online faster, explain them more and focus on how to slay Goliath.

Changed the picture to reflect the David vs. Goliath nature of competing with a scaled online giant like Amazon. Just like David, you can defeat the giant because YOU are more passionate and aware of your business than the giant will or can ever become.

This Haiku Deck and several posts on Curagami.com outline how Small To Medium Sized Businesses can win hearts, minds and loyalty in the New Ecommerce that lies just ahead.

My Passion

  • Fell in love 1999 w/ ecom & web.
  • Survived cancer.
  • Rode bicycle across USA 2010.
  • Content marketing 2011 - 2013.
  • Curagami tools for ecom 2014.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

SMBs Vs. Amazon Agenda

  • Amazon Overview.
  • 4 Cs To Compete.
  • Tactics.
  • Tools.
  • Curagami.
How can Small to Medium Sized Businesses (SMBs) compete with Amazon.
Photo by AmazonCARES

How SMBs Compete

This section helps understand Amazon. Amazon approaches online retailing different. They think of online retailing not far from founder Jeff Bezos experience on Wall Street - the web is a mathematical arbitrage.

Bezos understands the law of large numbers where a small return on a large number of transactions becomes a big number. Amazon's big number is now

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Amazon is playing in a different galaxy than others online retailers.

If we know three metrics we know a lot about a website. Those metrics are:

Pagespread (# pages in Google).
Inbound Links

Knowing those three metrics allows certain universal assumptions that can have exceptions, exceptions that prove the rule.

Compete with Amazon

  • Content.
  • Customers.
  • Community.
  • Commerce.
In an Everything is Everything world you can't afford to be great at one C and lousy at all others. Creating great content no one reads because you haven't developed online community is frustrating and expensive.

Never let someone sell you SEO. SEO is part of "Everything is Everything" now. You can improve your technical SEO, but you can't win positions in the SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages) without winning on all 4 Cs.
Photo by GogDog

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Everything Is Everything
What this means is content can become commerce, commerce can become community and community can become content. Everything is Everything means each of the 4Cs helps, supports and strengthens every other C, every other pillar in a successful online strategy.

The Uber-Goal remains the creation of sustainable online community, but community forms from these pillars especially when they easily speak to and interact with one another.


Content is everything, but YOU don't have to and should NOT create 100% of your site's content. The ideal blend would be at least 51% of your content load coming from tribe members.

Due to he 1:9:90 Rule (1% of visitors contribute content when asked, 9% support a site's content especially when coming from the 1%ers and 90% read) your job is to identify, reward and hold close your tribe of content sherpas - those willing to share, contribute and share some more.

These days you grow your network by proxy. You grow when someone who knows and loves you, your site and brands introduces that love to friends who don't know you.

If you see two pinch points in that last paragraph you are correct. You need an army of 1% and 9% and you need your army to share with their social nets. It is YOUR job to empower them with advocacy tools such as:

* Graphics.
* Great content curated from your network.
* Gamified environment where contributors know where they stand.
* Ability to interact with other members WITHOUT YOU in the middle.
* Rewards clearly shared, earned and won.
* This doesn't mean serendipity or surprises to the upside don't thrill (they can, but be careful not to overuse this tactic).
Photo by Jeff Zelaya

Content That Rocks

  • Start With Why.
  • About Us = Map Values.
  • Creation Story = Like Me Connection.
  • Sharing = Authentic, Real.
  • Curate 90%, Create 10%.
What you say and do online matters. Your words, images and ease or use (or not) tell visitors volumes more than you will ever know or be able to track.

We call these signals your website's "nonverbals". We spend hours, days and weeks working on a site's navigation.

Navigation is an example of a common web issue. Navigation is a two sided coin. On the one had you need customers to engage and understand how to find what they are looking for.

On the other hand your navigation is in hundreds or thousands of internal links so its Search Engine Optimization (SEO) value is hard to over state.

You will live on this beam balancing between customers and spiders. These days, when in doubt error in favor of customers as their links, likes and shares is the most important SEO medicine.

Learning to CURATE content from industry experts, customers and your staff is more important than pumping another 1,000 online. Your uber-goal is the creation of sustainable online community. Leave room for User Generated Content (UGC) the most valuable content you can't buy but must earn.

You begin to earn UGC by knowing who you are and what you stand for, sharing those values and telling that story. You begin to create a "like me" connection with a TRIBE of potential supporters.

Tell UNIVERSAL stories. You started your company out of LOVE and PASSION. Take the risk and share those. And ASK for help. ASK for help from the first day your site is live due to the 1:9:90 Rule (explained in 2 slides).
Photo by mary holman

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Simon Sinek's Start With Why is an influential MUST READ for successful online marketing. The expression of your WHY should map...well everything.

You can't take the RISK out of this kind of a share. You MUST put everything you are out there even if you meet with rejection.

Rejection, at least by some, is sure. No one is universally loved online, so know your values, stick to them, but be inclusive too. Realize your values will evolve with feedback and time. Dogmatic doesn't work well online.

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If you create too much content you will talk to yourself about yourself. Better to curate 90% of your content from others (with attribution and permission when possible).

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We play for about 10% of our visitors. This "magic 10%" carries your message out to the world. They help you create friends of friends marketing introducing your message to new potential tribe members.

This means we market BY PROXY. Watch Eli Pariser's TED talk about filter bubbles to understand why friends of friends marketing is so important:

Digital Listening Signs

  • Social Following Growing.
  • Engagement Metrics UP!
  • Email List Growth.
  • Likes, Links & Shares Up.
  • Ambassadors over subscribed.
  • (see notes for more on digital listening).
Listening Online Is Different
When we speak to one another we watch for nonverbal clues about how we are being received. We can ask questions and correct in real time.

Online "conversations" are different. They are often displaced in time. You publish something today and someone is reading and reacting to it tomorrow.

When your social following, heuristic measures such as time on site, pages viewed and bounce rate improve you know engagement is increasing. You are "listening" better.

Listening online means tuning your content so it sounds like and reinforces your customers' role and importance in the conversation. You do this by:

* Curating User Generated Content (with permission and attribution).
* Being generous with your social rewards, praise and recognition.
* Following your subscribers and listening to them.
* Responding within hours or minutes when someone pings you on social media with an @yourhandle note.
* Thanking supporters for @yourhandle mentions, links, likes and shares.
Photo by ButchLebo


People JOIN Brands They Don't BUY Them
Loving your customers even the angry ones is a good place to be. Every touch is an attempt to engage, so cherish engagement in any form, never defend, always share and learn ad you go.

Don't be afraid to say, "Whoops, our Bad," since we are human and so willing to forgive and understand we aren't perfect because no one is.
Photo by Moto@Club4AG


  • ASK for help.
  • Follow Back & Digitally Listen.
  • Subscriptions - Ask for commitment.
  • Contests & Games = FUN.
  • Features, Profiles & Community = Move to WE.
  • Ideas, Movements & Insanely Great Products not Sale, Sale, Sale.
Digitally Listening is different than listening in a conversation. The expression of "non verbal" clues online come from taking actions such as:

* Featuring User Generated Content (UGC).
* Curating more than creating.
* Following Back.
* Asking for help.

People join fun things "like them". People love connections that create a sense of collaboration, teamwork and the spiritual connection often defined as the sum of the parts being greater than the whole.

Everyone wants to be part of something bigger than themselves. This universal desire makes for easy manipulation until cynicism and skepticism take over. Our desire to be part of something bigger never goes away, but it does become harder to access.
Photo by Sim Dawdler

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Read Tilt by Niraj Dawar for more on moving your strategy downstream.

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The shift away from self referential reasons for doing things such as we built a huge plant and need to pay for it is an important difference between NOW and THEN (past). Marketing is playing catchup.

Once the servant of SELL MORE marketing used carrots and sticks to manipulate and win at least in the short term. Such hollow victories will prove costly in our new mobile / social / connected long term future.

Move your thinking downstream from products to customers. NOTE: Tilt by Niraj Dawar is a great book about how to move your strategy where it can do the most good - from products to customers.


Serve To Sell
Service is a calling and the web loves those who GET IT. Companies willing to share and worry about everything else second are rewarded with sustainable online community.
Photo by kevin dooley


Creating Sustainable Online Community = THE GOAL!
Sustainable online community is a community growing at at least a $2 to $1 ROI. Ideally your are scaling fast so your ROI is more like $5 to $1 or $10 to $1.

As you grow fast, don't forget what created your growth in the first place including:

* Authentic Shares (About Us, Creation Story).
* Asking for Help.
* Coaching & Rewarding Helpers.
* Making sure everyone in the community knows 1. the rules of the road and 2. anything GREAT that happens.

You becomes WE when you curate and reward, reward and curate over and over, faster and faster.
Photo by dan_a

Community Pillars

  • Listen More Than Talk.
  • Curate, Value & Ask For User Generated Content (UGC).
  • Share Great With Everyone.
  • Reward, Reward and REWARD.
  • Gamify.
Creating Online Community
The hardest thing about creating online community might be learning how to delegate. Most Small to Medium Sized Businesses are owned and managed by Type A DOERS.

Nothing wrong with that. We are Type A DOERS too. We had to learn to do things differently in order to build online community including:

* Asking for help.
* Listening more than talking.
* Learning to be a great coach instead of the quarterback.
* Changing conversations from US to WE.

Crowds & Platforms

Tap Wisdom of Crowds & Create Platforms
Tapping your tribe's wisdom is one sure sign online community is growing fast. Think about adding Crowdsourcing (asking for help) or Crowdfunding (helping inventors find money and support) to change the nature of your relationships with customers.



for examples of how to tab the world's crowds for ideas, products and social support. It is NEVER to early to engage and empower your tribe.

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Platform and network thinking is a MUST. Every business has hidden or untapped networks. Time to tap, empower and include them is NOW.

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Everything is Everything All The Time
Watch this funny video to learn the importance of first and second followers:

Photo by somegeekintn


  • No Sale, Sale, Sale.
  • Resist Carrot & Stick.
  • Think LONG TERM.
  • Love & Serve PEOPLE.
  • People not things SELL.
Sales aren't movements but short term drugs stressing retailer and buyer alike. Retailers become dealers. They deal "sales" and live in the short term where more is always needed to get less.

Movements live in the long term and involve passion, collaboration and change (of those involved and the world around them).

Movements can have sales, but any tactic should reinforce the core values of the movement. Having a one day sale where benefits help a charity is a great example of how a sale contribute to a movement.
Photo by antwerpenR


  • Comments, Reviews.
  • Ambassador Program.
  • Contests & Games.
  • Crowdourcing.
  • Crowdfunding.
Find ways to collaborate, empower and reinforce your digitally listening skills such as:

Following Back.
Sharing UGC on social media (with permission and attribution).
Learning from your customers and telling them so.
Creating contests and games.
Photo by Espacio CAMON

Hero Marketing Tactics

  • Great About Page (map values).
  • Ask for Help (Ambassador Program).
  • Curate UGC (delegate more, do less).
  • Subscriptions.
  • Contests, Games & Apps.
  • Create, value & focus on community.
Hero Marketing Tactics combing content, commerce and community into movements.

Movements are things others can JOIN. A sale isn't a movement it's a tactic. Movements can have sales but the reverse isn't true because no one "joins" a sale.

A sale is a short term carrot and stick approach to molding customer behavior. Movements are collaborations to express passion and effect change (of ourselves and the world).

Favorite Tools

  • Content Curation - Scoop.it.
  • Video & Community: G+.
  • Landing Pages: Unbounce.
  • Email: Bronto.
  • Ecom: Shopify or Magento.
A few of our favorite tools. Don't forget Curagami is in the tool creation business, so if you are missing something tell us and we will create it.
Photo by Jeff_Werner


www.Curagami.com, @Curagami

Marty Smith

@Scenttrail, Martin W Smith G+
Photo by Gavin Lynn

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Amazon's exponential financial results at a time when retail in general grew at less than 5% annually shows the impact of infusing your WHY throughout your marketing and thinking in scale or exponential thinking.


Click to add more text here

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3 Highly Recommended and influential books as we created Hero Marketing:

Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action.

Tilt: Shifting Strategy From Products to Customers.

Bold: How To Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World


About Us = Most important page on any site!
The much malaligned About page turns out to be the most important page on any website. Executed well a site's about page defines a company's why, asks for help and begins to build online community.

Helping our clients Moon-Audio.com with their about page was our first priority:

Photo by Yen.®

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Amazon's Why

  • Innovation.
  • Low Prices in service of #1.
  • 1st Web Merchant.
  • Think & act exponentially.
In Bold, Steven Kotler's latest book, Kotler shares how Amazon's founder was attracted to books because of the size of the category.

Bezos wanted a category large enough to use the web's "magic math" - the web's ability to make BIG small via search and community (reviews, comments and links).

This is why we see Amazon's way as innovation. Right now the web is the source Amazon's innovation focus. Tomorrow it may be drone pizza delivery. Proving how exponential thinking changes the game is Amazon's mission, it's why.

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Easy to see ho has a handle on their WHY and who places customers at the core of their thinking.

Focus on Customers not Prodcuts

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This is my Moon-Audio.com Ambassador profile page. Nothing like sharing your website's territory to help create community.

The profile page can summarize my engagement at Moon-Audio.com once we add security layers. Past purchases, posts and comments can be summarized here and displayed subject to security and a user's willingness to share.

High end audio is so tribal knowing what equipment and tech others love and use is part of the fun, so bet sharing numbers would be high.


People JOIN Brands, Don't Buy Them 
Futurologist Faith Popcorn famously said, "People don't BUY brands they JOIN them".


  • Kickstarter $500M Funded.
  • Crowdfunding = Moveable Feast.
  • Enterprise Crowdfunding.
  • Crowdfunding as Game.
  • Crowdfunding as Content.
  • Crowdfunding as Community.


Photo by Cle0patra

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Everything Is Everything
What this means is content can become commerce, commerce can become community and community can become content. Everything is Everything means each of the 4Cs helps, supports and strengthens every other C, every other pillar in a successful online strategy.

The Uber-Goal remains the creation of sustainable online community, but community forms from these pillars especially when they easily speak to and interact with one another.

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This is an earlier version of Everything is Everything

Any idea or aspect of any circle can move to another and be transformed.

A community idea can make money. A commerce idea can become content and content can become community.

The intersection of community, commerce and content is where a site's context creates "like me" connections with customers.

Many tactics swirl around the harmony of these three circles such as social media marketing, User Generated Content and Crowdfunding. Any tactic that puts something positive such as likes, links and conversions into the engine should be evaluated and refined.

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Scoop.it is a great tool and one Curagami.com will be using for our clients soon. The tool provides a crash course in content curation - sharing content from trusted sources with your take.

Fitting curated content into the Lego blocks you build with is crucial, but don't be afraid to curate far afield like Maria Popova at http://www.BrainPickings.com or Brian Yanish at http://www.MarketingHits.com.

Exponential World

  • Moore's Law.
  • Driving Exponential Growth:
  • Web, Mobile, Social.
  • Each trend feeds others.
  • Rocket fuel on a fire.
Moore's law is the hamster driving the wheel faster and faster. Intel's Gordon Moore noticed the power of integrated circuits was doubling every 12 to 18 months even as costs plummeted. The impact of that realization is changing the world faster and faster, more and more.


We live in an exponential time, a time when the wrecking ball is laying waste to entire industries as some companies spring to previously unimaginable scale in minutes instead of decades.

Read Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World by Steven Kotler for more on the power of exponential thinking.

Disruptive & Fast

  • Snapchat $20B.
  • Uber $41B.
  • Facebook $200B.
  • Instagram $35B.
  • FedEx $40B.
Many scoff at these evaluations. Kotler explains, in his latest book Bold, how every new technology is met with a period of disbelief and derision. Let others fight over the numbers, your mission is to understand how to think in scale, mashup services and ideas from others via Applications Program Interfaces and the creation of sustainable online community.