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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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US-Philippine Relations: 1898 - 1915

Virginia & United States History, Grade 11

Decide whether the next 10 cartoons are pro-expansionism or anti-expansionism.

"And, after all, the Philippines...

...are only the stepping-stone to China." Judge Magazine, 1900.

"The Filipino's First Bath"

Judge Magazine, 1899.

"The Filipino After Expansion"

The Boston Sunday Globe, 1899.

"First Filipino: What's the matter?
Second Filipino: Been takin' another one of those blamed lessons in the progress of civilization." Life Magazine, 1899.

"The Water Cure"

Life Magazine, 1902.

"Fun for the Boys"

Life Magazine, 1900.

"Our Terms"

Judge Magazine, 1898.


Puck Magazine, 1899.

"Knocking Out the Moros: the US Army in Action."

Artist: H. Charles McBarron, Jr.

"Kill every one over ten."

The New York Evening Journal, 1902.