HFE Media Center Stats
- Flexible Scheduling July-December
- 785 documented circulations per week
- 1,291 Books added to the collection
- Facets of our program are available 24/7 via our DESTINY library homepage.
Author Visits!
- Robert Beatty
- Reggie Carpenter
- Doug Gibson
- Eleanor Vaughn
- Cleaster Cotton
- Constance Lombardo
Author Visits:
- Dawn Cusick
- Laurie McKay
- Allan Wolf
- Steve Longnecker
Community Connections
- Yale Alumni Group
- Harvard Alumni Group
- Spellbound Books
- Malaprops
- Barnes and Nobel
- Ed Wolfsohn
- Margee Moncure
- Fred Meyer
- Mary Thompson
- Asheville School volunteers--, Beate Short and son, Kristen Marsh
- Asheville School
- Pisgah Academy
4th & 5th
Battle of the Books
2nd Place!
Digital Learning Innovation Team
HFE Digital Learning Innovation Team
- Members with DLT on a regular basis to coplan and coteach lessons that integrated technology.
- Members created innovative lessons that included: Stop Motion videos, Skype, Green Screen, creating audiobooks, etc!
- Members created Twitter Class Pages to stay in touch with parents.
HFE Makerspace
- Students K-6 grade participated in curriculum integrated activities.
- Created MakerSpace Clubs for interested 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
- Projects included: Green Screen videos, Makey Makey Challenges, Coding, Robotics, Cardboard Challenges, Game Design, etc.
- All projectes integrated STEAM
Digital Learning Intergration
Digital Learning Intergration
- Promoted Digital Citizenship through Internet Safety Lessons
- Co-planned and Co-taught monthly with teachers K-6.
- Participated in PLCs and MTSS meetings
- Coached teachers on DLIT how to integrate digital learning into lessons
- Pulled small groups for intervention and enrichment
Global Projects
- Mystery Skypes
- Awesome Squiggles
- Virtual Valentines
- World Read Aloud Day
- International Dot Day
- Peace One Day
- Virtual Field Trips
- Guest Speakers
Skype with Tom Angleberger
Hour of Code
- 16 of 19 classes participated
- Over 300 students learned the basics of coding
- Coding included: computers, iPads, Paper, Spheros, Dot and Dash Robots,
- So many students showed interested in coding that a Code Club was created!
DLT Professional Development Offerings:
- Twitter as a Classroom Webpage
- Daily 5
- Google Apps
- Ebooks/ Audiobooks in the Primary Classroom
- myON
- Smartboard/Promethean Basics
- Coding