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Haiti Earthquake

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Haiti's Earthquake

Photo by rabiem22


  • This tagical event was taken place in Haiti, Dominican Republic .
  • This earthquake was created by transform on the plate tectonics.
  • - this created the plate tectonics to add force sliding up on eachother, that created an earthquake in Haiti.
  • Also subduction and divergent, because this eartquake created a tsunami. Witch was hit on Haiti's coastline.
Photo by SEDACMaps

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  • Haiti's location is closer to the Equator than it is to the poles.
  • I think this has some affect because the plate tectonics in the euqator have some different transformation than the plate tectonics closer to the poles. So yes Haiti being closer to the Equator has some affect on the enviropment.

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  • When this earthquake struck Haiti was having a humidity partly windy season. The fact that the seaon changed in a rapidly rate couldve been the reason for the earthquake.
  • The spring tides couldve be a impact on this event because Spring tides only happen when the Earth, Mood and Sun are in a direct line and their gravitational pulls reinforce each other.
Photo by Luton

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  • When a earthquake is created, its first Potential energy being stored, than all the force is released, being created as Kinetic energy. This is a combination of both Unbalanced and Balanced force.
Photo by martinluff


  • The body and surface waves create forces within the building.Inertia Force are created within an object when an outside force tries to make it move if it is at rest or changes its rate or direction of motion if it is moving.When a building shakes it is subject to inertial forces and its 2nd law of motion. (F=MA) Mass can be assumed as equivalent at (ground level)to the weight of the building,this is why houses and building with less mass are easily torm apart.The acceleration, or the rate of change of the velocity of the waves making the building be in motion.


  • This event effect alot of this place enviropment. Because this earthquake created a tsunami wich was more desctructive. All the plants werent plant easily. So NO groing seasoin for a good time.Almost all watter got mest up , mostly it was damaged by the tsunami that The Earthquake created. Alot of ecosystems were damaged. Animals were killed so humans and animasl didnt have ways to get food. Both the Earthquake and the Tsnumai created wearhering and erosion since the earth's layer was damaged, it was open, made into new things. Erosion happend alot in effect of the Tsunami because all the water reconstructed new land, everything was carried away.

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  • The Averge temperature of Haiti is 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, record high temperatures have topped 100 degrees, and lows have dipped to 60. At night, temperatures usually fall 10 to 20 degrees from the daily average.
  • The rainfall averege is to almost 3.5 inches. January can be the most dryiest month in Haiti.
  • Tropical storms are not the only natural hazards to occur in Haiti: The nation is also susceptible to earthquakes.
  • Haiti lies along the Caribbean's hurricane belt.The lack of trees and unstable topsoil means any heavy rainfall will cause flash floods and mudslides.
Photo by freefotouk