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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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How giraffes are Affected

the inside world of giraffes.

Giraffes can be affected in many ways.

Skin Disease

Skin Disease is a huge threat!

Skin disease makes giraffes stand still which makes them vulnerable to predators!

Giraffes compete with zebras and gazelles for food.

Giraffes use niches so they don't have to compete.

The niche is for the smaller animal to eat at the bottom of the tree and the giraffe at the top. Animals that eat with the giraffes are zebras and gazelles.

The relationship between the giraffe and the zebra happened because after all the droughts and skin disease they learn how to work together and find food.


The ox-peckers eat the ticks off the giraffe. The giraffe gets clean and the ox-pecker gets food.

The reason that the giraffes mutualistic relationship happened because the ox-peckers overpopulated so they needed to find food.


Giraffes are very friendly animals. They make all different types of friends. A long as the animal isn't harming it they will be best buddies.


Giraffes eat bugs off its face by licking it with its tongue.

The parasitism relationship happened because of the hot and humid climate. The bugs come out when its humid so the giraffe had to clean itself.

When the bugs die on the animal it spreads parricides

All of these Symbiotic relationships happen because giraffes need ways to survive.

Giraffes are adapted to their environment because they have long necks which help them find food in high parts of trees.

This adaptation developed because of competition for food with zebras and gazelles.


The ecosystem responds in a primary succession because all the soil would be dried out and the plants wouldn't grow.

Droughts happen in Africa so often because of the climate in Africa. It is hot and humid which normally begins the start of a drought

Since droughts happen so frequently very few of the plants and trees have learned how to adapt.

Since the soil dried it was hard for the natural disaster to come back but it did. For everything to grow back it has to rain and then the soil will become wet and moist and the plants will grow again.

Why humans go to the Savanna

1) Resources.
Humans go to areas like Africa to search for animals for furs and skins. They can also find wood for paper and furniture.

They also go to the Grasslands to kill the animals to make jewelry. For example, people use giraffe's tails for bracelets.

2) Space
People also go to the Savanna for space. They use space for buildings and places that humans need to survive.

Humans taking over African wildlife is affecting the way that the animals live. One of the major effects is that the food is becoming extinct from cutting down trees.

When the trees are getting cut down there are many animals that suffer and many may die.

The animals that would be affected by cutting down trees are elephants, giraffes, zebras and gazelles.

When people cut down African trees they are more vulnerable to Ebola because that is where fruit bats live. Ebola gets worse the more they alter and cut down trees in Africa.

We need to make a law that bands people to got to the Savanna for unnecessary purposes.

People should leave the trees where they are. The animals that eat the trees will survive and so will their ecosystem.