Gardner's Apgar

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Using Gardner's adaptation of the Apgar Score in the composition classroom


Gardner's Apgar

Photo by PhylB

Did you look for a topic for today’s class meeting? No=0

The idea here was to gauge how much or how little students looked for a topic. That was the assignment: bring in 3-5 topics of interest from your discipline/major.

The idea in the future will be to customize the Apgar to conform to the expected engagement for that particular class. For example, if I asked them to begin to write a research proposal then I might change this question to. "Did you draft a research proposal for today's meeting?"

Did you come to class today with questions or topics you’re eager to discuss?No=0

This seems to be a generic question that will fits lots of possible expectations.

Did you talk at length to classmate(s) about the last class meeting or today’s meeting?No=0, Yes, one person=1, Yes > than one person=2

Another all purpose question.
Photo by subhadip87

Since our last meeting, did you read any unassigned material related to your topic or to class?
No=0, Yes, one item=1, Yes, more than one item=2

Is "above and beyond" a measure of being engaged? I think it is. I have not done a research evaluation of any of these questions. I think that will come from the use of the tool throughout the semester as an example of insider research. I say insider because I also ask these questions of myself.
Photo by Martin Beek

Since last class, how much time have you spent reflecting on your topic & class meetings? None to 29 minutes=0, 30 minutes to an hour=1, over an hour=2

Modify to "reflecting on ____________".
Photo by H o l l y.

Total Score?

I plan on devising a google form to gather all of this info and then to automatically generate sums and means on the resulting spreadsheet. I also plan on a final open-ended question like, "Briefly describe any other learning activity that you think can be called 'engagement'."
Photo by dullhunk