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This presentation will define the earth's patterns by using the five themes of geography, which are location, place, human-environment, interaction, movement and regions.
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Five Themes of Geography

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Five Themes of Geography

Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, and Regions 
This presentation will define the earth's patterns by using the five themes of geography, which are location, place, human-environment, interaction, movement and regions.
Photo by bcostin


  • Absolute location: can be absolute (specific) as in coordinates of a map 
  • Absolute location is coordinates of a map using longitude and latitude
  • Relative location: is in the same general location as another location
  • Examples: next door, a short drive, down the road, and nearby
Where is it?

There are two types of location: absolute and relative


  • An area that is defined by everything in it
  • All places have features that distinguish them from other places
  • Places include everything that makes the place what it is 
  • Examples: walls, windows, hallways, and bathrooms
Places are defined by everything that takes up that place and gives them a personality.

You could describe a place as being your school. The things that distinguish your school as a place different from other places would include features like walls, windows, chalkboards, books, clothing, maps, and much more.


  • Landscape of earth is no longer a purely physical feature
  • Humans impact the environment 
  • Geography is influenced by how much humans impact local environment 
Human-Environment Interaction looks like the background picture or the relationship between people and their environment. It can also be defined as how people adapt and change their surrounding environment.

Three questions that can be asked when addressing this theme are:

- How do people depend on the environment?

-How do people adapt to the environment?

-How do people modify the environment?
Photo by CGIAR Climate


  • Refers to the way people, products, and information moves
  • This can local (how did you get to school today?)
  • Or global (how did humans get to North America?)
Movement refers to the way people, products, and even ideas move from place to place.
Photo by illuminaut


  • Essential geographic feature 
  • Unit of space, unified by some characteristic
  • Study of regions help us answer these questions:
  • How and why is one area similar to another? How do areas differ? Example 
  • Example: The Corn belt stretching from Indiana to Nebraska 
Regions are defined by certain similar characteristics.

These characteristics can be physical, natural, human, and cultural.
Photo by Vermario

Works cited

Five Themes of Geography

Photo by bcostin