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Fast food is unhealthy for you

Published on Apr 10, 2016

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do you think fast food is healthy?

By Nevaeh 7B

Fast food is unhealthy for you

  • Fast food makes kids all over the world obese.
  • It makes them not be able to do the things they want because of there weight.
  • Fast food can also ruin peoples life.

Chew on this pages 13-17

  • Kids who eat fast food are obese.
  • "kids who eat fast food are more likely to have high blood pressure".


  • "In 2008 more than one third of children were obese"
  • Kids who eat fast-food are likely to become obese at the ages 10-13.

Chew on this page 210

  • "A lot of fast food meals are low in fiber,and also has a lot of grease"
  • People who eat a lot of fast food tend to gain a lot of weight,and this is part of the reason why so many people are unhealthy.


  • Fast food makes kids all over the world obese.
  • It makes them not be able to do the things they want to because of there weight.
  • fast food can also ruin peoples life.

Call to action

If fast food is making people unhealthy why
do they buy it
so much?

Be careful of what you eat!!