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Excessive Consumption Of Alcohol

Published on Nov 28, 2015

The Effects Of Excessive Consumption Of Alc


Excessive Consumption Of Alcohol

By:Neena Cheeva & Kevin Haake
Photo by Sam Ilić

What is Alcohol? (Aka Ethanol)

A legal, sedative drug which changes the way we feel

Pure alcohol is a colorless, odorless and a inflammable(catches on fire easily) fluid

Alcohol as a drug does not contain any nutrients for the body.

Alcoholic beverages have been used in many societies for many purposes.

It is a legal Sedative drug
It is colourless, oderless and inflammable(catches on fire easily)
It does not contain any nutrient value for the body
- it is true but misleading most of the time, this is because no one ever drinks PURE alcohol.
The alcohol we drink is a beverage drink which is not pure alcohol and its mixed with different types of chemicals/ substance.
Photo by jenny downing

Long Term Effects:

Photo by Mike Kniec

Long Terms Effect

Heavy drinking can cause the number of red oxygenated blood cells to be abnormally low. This condition, known as anemia, it can trigger a host of symptoms, including fatigue and shortness of breath

Anemia is the reduction of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin binds oxygen to the cell. If you have too few red blood cells, or your hemoglobin is abnormal or low, which means your cells in you body will not get enough oxygen.
This lead to Fatigue, Shortness of Breath and headaches.
Photo by toshi.panda

Long Terms Effects

Huge consumption of alcohol can lead to caner. Alcohol may slow down the cells ability to repair damage to their DNA caused by chemicals in Alcohol.

Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells division or mitosis.
huge intake of alcohol can lead to cancer. It reduces the time for the cell to fix the damage they have in their DNA. Its caused by the chemicals in Alcohol
Photo by ChrisGoldNY

Long Terms Effects
3. Cardiovascular disease-

Heavy drinking, makes platelets more likely to clump together into blood clots, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.

it makes platelets to clot, this causes heath attaack or strokes.
(Mind- the next slid)
Photo by mfajardo

Long Terms Effects
4. Cardiomyopathy-

A condition in which the heart muscle weakens and eventually fails, as well as heart rhythm abnormalities

It is condition where the hearth muscle weakens and eventually fails. This causes strokes and eventually death.
Photo by wbeem

Other Long Terms Effects:

  • Reduces Self Control
  • Depressant after decrease of alcohol
  • Effect your reaction time
  • Damages you Liver
  • Damages social life- crime, abuse ect.
Photo by whisperwolf

Short Terms Effects:

Photo by williamcho

Short Term Effects:

  • Thirst
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Vomiting or stomach pain
  • Poor or decreased of sleep
  • Dizziness or a sense of the room spinning
Photo by wbeem

What Causes Alcohol Abuse?

what causes Alcohol Abuse?
Its Alcoholism...
Photo by mrurbain

What Is Alcoholism?
-Is the dependency of Alcohol
1)It occurs when you drink so much over time that your body becomes dependent on or addicted
2)When this happens, alcohol becomes the most important thing in your body.

occurs when you drink too much OVER TIME that your body becomes used to it and dependent
When this happens, alcohol use becomes the most important thing in your life. which makes you to have more.
you will continue to drink even when faced with negative consequences, such as losing a job.
What causes Alcoholism?...
Photo by hlkljgk

It Is Unknown...

Photo by wesbs

1)It develops when you drink too much of it, that the chemicals in your brain change.
2)These changes emphasize the pleasurable feelings that result in drinking more alcohol.
3)These feelings cause an increased desire to drink, even if it causes harm.
4) It develops over time.

It happends when you drink to much of it, EVENTUALLY it changes the chemicals in your brain.
These changes emphasize pleasurable fellings( gives it more value).
it means- It gives more value to the felling of pleasure of drinking.

How can we improve?

  • Detoxification or withdrawal to rid your body of alcohol
  • Rehabilitation to learn new coping skills and behaviors
  • Counseling to address emotional problems that may prompt you to drink
  • Medical treatment for health problems associated with alcoholism - therapy
  • Medications to help control addiction
There is De-toxification
Withdraw to alcohol
Medical Treatments like therapy

there are things called Disulfiram (Antabuse) is a drug that causes physical discomfort (nausea, vomiting, headaches) any time the individual consumes alcohol.

Acknowledgements/Sum up...

  • To much intake causes Alcoholism
  • Alcoholism is the addiction and dependency of Alcohol
  • Health issues such as cancer, liver failure or depressant can occure
  • Effects are un-know so far, but intake of high consumption is a cause
  • Alcohol is fun to use, but bad if to much, so be carefull ;)
Photo by ChrisGoldNY

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