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Events Leading to the American Revolution

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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the French and Indian War


The Proclamation of 1763

Keep the Indians West of Appalachian Mountains and Colonists to the East

We will ignore your Proclamation

ANd to keep a peace treaty on the frontier


ANd now to pay the expensive war?

Lets Tax people

Said Prime Minister George Grenville

ThE sTamp Act was released 1765

For Every Peace of Paper you Must have a Stamp 

"No taxation without representation" said the colonists

 Later the Act was Cancelled 

The Quartering Act 1765

Colonists Had to Provide The British Troops With Housing

  • House me
  • Feed Me
  • Serve Me
  • Give Me Your Stuff 
  • The British Troops would say

New Yorkers were Mad

They Still Had to Obey the Law 

Colonists Behaving bad?

Lets  Tax Them Even More Said Charles Townshend 

The Townshend Act 1767

  • People were taxed for goods such as
  • tea
  • glass
  • paint
  • paper etc

Colonists gave trouble and refused to pAY

Lord North said it was a money looser so...

Kind George Did not want to stop taxing

So the Townshend Act was Cancelled But  the Tea Tax was Kept Up 

a Rocky snowball fight with guns  broke out between

The colonists and soldiers right after the cancellation of Townshend Act 

This was called The Boston Massacre 1770

5 Bostonians were dead and 6 injured 

Paul Revere then drew a picture

Making the Bostonians look Peaceful And Soldiers look guilty 

The Tea Act

Used to make Tea "Cheaper" (taxed British Tea was cheaper than Dutch) 

Colonist still wern't fooled they were getting taxed!

So they Prevented the Tea Ships from Arriving 

The sons of liberty unloaded the tea once

They dressed as Mohawk Indians and dumped 90,000 pounds of tea 

Oh no you did not Said the British

We'll Show You Whose Boss

The Intolerable Acts

Used To Punish Massachusetts for the Tea Party

These Acts Included

  • Closing the Boston Harbor 
  • Massachusetts Government was under British Control
  • British Soldiers were tried in England
  •  More British Soldiers sent to England to enforce laws