Ephesians 3:1-13

Published on Mar 23, 2017

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Ephesians 3:1-13

Unlimited Ministry in a Limited World
Photo by Ryk Neethling

Limitless in a Limited World

  • Look past the physical vs 1
  • Discover the “mystery” of God’s grace for you vs. vs. 2-6
  • Develop “graceful” method vs. 7-9
  • Work within the church vs. 10-13

See Past ....

the physical limitations
1. Because they are personal limitations

Very personal I Paul – and can be disconcerting this is actually happening to me

Direct result of my preaching the gospel, doing exactly what God has called me to do in Paul’s case, and not because I have done something wrong or God is somehow out to get me

(Illus. Mention Peter’s admonition to be accused not because of wrongdoing but because of righteousness……….1 Peter 2:11-12, then 13-20.)

2. For the benefit of others

– my suffering is actually for the benefit of others, - looking past “me” – we can be so self centered when going through difficult times

3. Which leads to the greater purpose –

for what kept Paul encouraged was what he says about the Ephesians in the previous verses…………..on behalf of the Gentiles…………
(Illus. Acts 9:15-16)

You once were far away, once were foreigners, once had no access to God, once were not growing spiritually, but now are actually growing into temples where God dwells…………

4. To see the greater purpose

What motivates Paul is the growth he sees in others…..regardless of where you happen to be physically,

So if you are not in a ministry position to see others grow around you, no wonder you are discouraged, because you can’t see how you are “making a difference”. People don’t necessarily get discouraged because they have to work hard, they get discouraged because they see no results, and begin to ask Am I wasting my time?

Solution - put your self in a position to be growing yourself and encouraging others to be doing the same……….equipping track – not an expert, just one step ahead of the person you are teaching………….

Paul was in jail, imprisoned and bound, yet knew the gospel was not bound…………keep on……
Photo by Will Montague

Discover God's Mystery

for you
Checklist for praying and confirming your personal ministry that is revealed by God to us

………..for there is no mystery any more.....it has been involved at all rather discovery…….

(Illus. For the word mystery was something hidden or secret and only revealed to a certain privileged few…..not to ordinary mortals certainly…………….but now this mystery has been revealed to everyone….)

Paul was uniquely gifted for the job –

the administration of God’s grace given to him for the gentiles
- made known to him – by God’s grace and choice – passive voice

Who were his target group – the gentiles

Time – now as in contrast with before not being the right time………….

Message - Revealing that now all have access to Christ through the gospel – ie the good news of Jesus Christ

Gentiles are heirs together with Israel
Members together of one body
Sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus
Specific message –By the administration of God’s grace I have been given the ability to_______________ for _____________.
And the last one is answered by the first one…….what gifts do I have and how does God want me to use them?

In this case to preach……………

June third Sunday training will include spiritual gifts……….

Application: Using the checklist……………………walk through it with people
Photo by Dru!


  • It's personal
  • Who is your target
  • Now versus later
  • What's "good news"
  • Delivery method
Checklist for praying and confirming your personal ministry that is revealed by God to us………..for there is no mystery involved at all rather discovery…….
(Illus. For the word mystery was something hidden or secret and only revealed to a certain privileged few…..not to ordinary mortals certainly…………….but now this mystery has been revealed to everyone….)

Paul was uniquely gifted for the job – the administration of God’s grace given to him for the gentiles
- made known to him – by God’s grace and choice – passive voice

Who were his target group – the gentiles

Time – now as in contrast with before not being the right time………….

Message - Revealing that now all have access to Christ through the gospel – ie the good news of Jesus Christ

Gentiles are heirs together with Israel
Members together of one body
Sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus
Specific message –By the administration of God’s grace I have been given the ability to_______________ for _____________.
And the last one is answered by the first one…….what gifts do I have and how does God want me to use them?

In this case to preach……………

June third Sunday training will include spiritual gifts……….

Application: Using the checklist……………………walk through it with people
Photo by Incase.

Develop a Graceful Method

A Soft Touch
Heart of a servant –

I became a minister, a servant, word we get for deacon, the reason he could keep this servant heart is by remembering that this position was given to him by grace – and can be seen in the way he says it, this position was given to me……..

Through God’s grace

a difficult concept to grasp for the average self sufficient American…….

(Illus. Al Steiner – representative of World Ventures, an organization that places business men in countries that are closed to missionaries, says one computer company owner in a certain country, teaches grace to his muslim employees in an interesting way, he will put in a 100 extra dollars in their paycheck……..and wait for them to come by and ask about it…..you gave me too much. And they will go back and forth….yes but I have done nothing to deserve it……………? Now you are starting to get it…….get what? Grace………)

Through God’s power – not my own – tired?

(Illus. Pipe not pump)

To preach - to preach

- the unsearchable riches of Christ – the undetectable- previously unknown but now through the Holy Spirit and preaching can be known

- to make plain the (shed light on, illuminate as in a dark room – you are in the room but unaware of what is in there with you……which can create fear …….instead of faith…….)

- to everyone

In accordance with God’s plan – which was hidden up till now
Application: God’s plan has not changed – it remains constant, but how do you fit?

This point helps clarify that question.

Work in the Church

God's chosen vehicle
God’s intentions –

Now is the time
Through the church

(Illus. The church is God’s chosen vehicle for aiding believers in fulfilling the great commission. If this is true, then why is membership such a big deal? Or……. How could you not be in favor of what God is in favor of – Stuart Briscoe)

make known the manifold wisdom of God

display it for spiritual beings to see

(Illus. God’s plan of redemption is now an open object lesson to angelic beings who are watching it all unfold both good and evil angels)

Things the church is doing…………..

teach about God’s eternal purpose

teach about how it is accomplished through Christ

teach access to the father in Christ –

how to go to God boldly

how to go to God freely through faith in Christ
how to go to God confidently
(Illus. Without Christ we can have none of these, not to mention access to God)

teach the purpose of suffering
fulfill God’s call on Paul’s life remember Acts 9:15-16

remind others that their souls are worth our suffering for……….

(Illus. Church history is full of people willing to pay the ultimate price for getting the gospel out to new people’s – why? Because they are worth it………)

Application: Put yourself in a within the church, God’s chosen vehicle, position to learn

Attend church,

Plug into a life group

Discover your gifts

And put them to use gifts………..

Photo by James P. Mann

Ephesians 3:1-13

  • See past the physical
  • Discover your gifts
  • Develop a soft touch
  • Work within the church
Photo by Ryk Neethling

Untitled Slide

Michael Cadrette

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