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Endangered Pandas

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Endangered Giant Pandas
For every 6 million people there is 1 panda,so basically there is only 700 to 1000 or so left in the wild. In 1984 Giant Pandas were listed on the endangered species list!
Pandas are slow reproduction so that's another downside and plus deer traps actually trap and kill pandas! Other reasons Giant Pandas are being killed by is deforestation. Deforestation is habitat loss .

Photo by foxtail_1

Like there relatives the Giant Pandas the Red Pandas are also in danger of deforestation except they are a lot higher in numbers. Still there is only 2500 Red Pandas left in the wild,it's a lot compared to the giant pandas but still very low.Red Pandas and Giant Pandas alike are on the endangered species list. One difference between Giant Pandas and Red Pandas is that Red pandas are fast at reproduction which explains why there are higher in numbers. Red pandas are hunted for their warm fur which is used for clothing and hats.

Photo by jimbowen0306

Depth and Complexity (More on the next page)

Over time panda population has gone greatly. Roughly 10,000 pandas die every year! If we wipe out all pandas it will have a HUGE effect on the eco-system!!! With the gap in the eco-system many more types of animals may die.In the past many governors have created land reservations for pandas but even to this day panda numbers are still going down! If panda numbers keep going down the entire race will die,and create a large gap in the eco-system. Many hunters hunt pandas for the money and don't care. If panda population keeps going down we will lose this exotic animal! Many people try to help pandas but hunters and other events kill pandas every year. Panda loss is bad!


  • If pandas become extinct what will happen?
  • What motivates giant panda hunting?
  • What comes out of Giant Panda hunting?
  • Is breeding pandas in a lab a good idea?
Photo by Pilottage

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