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Elizabethan Science

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Elizabethan Science

By Dinesh Kakulla
Photo by Zach Dischner

Galileo Galilei

"The Father of Modern Science"

Galileo as an young lad!

  • He was born in Pisa, Italy on Feb. 15, 1564
  • His father who was a wool trader wanted young Galileo to study medicine for that money
  • He attented University of Pisa to pursue medicine but later went to pursue physics and mathematics
  • Left the university without a degree
Photo by C. Strife

His inventions

  • Thermomter
  • Improved on the Telescope!
  • Pendulum clock
  • Geometric compass


  • The telescope helped him disprove the geocentric theory!
  • He used it to find the moons orbiting Jupiter and the phases of Venus.

Aristotle was wrong!

  • Aristotle thought science = Logic but Galileo proved science =experiments
  • Galileo disproved that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects
Photo by mharrsch

The Church wasn't very fond of Galileo's works and they put him under house arrest! :(

Fun Fact:

Galileo's finger is under display at the museum of Galileo

Fun Fact #2: Horror-scope
~He made a horoscope for Duke Ferdinand of Tuscany predicting a long and happy life but the Duke died 22 days later~

Francis Bacon

~Did not invent Bacon~

Bacon Early life

  • Born to an elite family on Janurary 22, 1561
  • Attended Trinity College when he was 12 and then soon dropped out
  • His political career didn't go smoothly as he was accused of bribery

His impact

  • Developed the empirical scientific method
  • His writings about experimentation became a basis for scientists today doing experiments!

Many of the works of these scientists weren't approved during those times due to the Church but are now the basis of science!!

~Peace Out~