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Elie Wiesel

Published on Dec 14, 2015

By: Paige Smith | Period: 3 | Due: August 26th, 2015 |


Who is Elie Wiesel?

Elie Wiesel is a survivor of the Holocaust and a famous writer.

Elie Wiesel

  • Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928 in Signet, Romania. (now 86)
  • When he was 15, he was deported sepretly from his family into a constriction camp

Elie Wiesel

What is the Holocaust?

  • The Holocaust was started by Adolf Hitler, a German. Adolf Hitler somehow (always) hated Jews.
  • Adolf Hitler led an army called the Nazis to either kill, or escorted the Jews out of the country.
  • The Jews were led to contradiction camps, which they were tortured to do work, or do something for a Nazi. They were treated like slaves.
  • Some escaped, like Elie Wiesel. Or so far we think he escaped. (Can't find evidence that he did. Just being honest.)
  • Between six and five million Jews were killed.
  • What does the Holocaust mean in German terms? The translation is "racially superior".
  • Why did Hitler hate Jews? Possibly that he grew up around Jews, and they were more 'superior' to him. (AKA Wealthier) or possibly he just hated the way they looked. Not to sure.

A Symbol Of the Holocaust

Photo by CAHairyBear

During the Holocaust

  • While he was in the camp, his younger sister, parents, grandparents, were all killed by the Nazis
  • His two older sisters survived, and so did he.


Photo by Editor B

After the Holocaust

  • After the holocaust, Elie married Marion in 1969, and had one child together named Shlomo Elisha Wiesel.
  • After their child was born, Elie began to write books about the Holocaust and his experience during it, such as the most popular one, Night.
  • Then, he and Marion decided to start a foundation called Elie Wiesel Foundation.

Marion Wiesel

Shlomo Wiesel

More about the Foundation

  • The foundation was raising awareness for human rights and peace around the world.
  • Elie Wiesel toured around the world to speak out for the human rights and peace awareness.
  • Why did he so this? Because he still felt like people are being mistreaded yet to this day, just like the Jews were in the Holocaust
  • The foundation

Elie Wiesel giving speech (Whoops)


[All pictures belong to rightful owners]