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Economic Systems

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Economic Systems

Jacob Michie
Photo by c_ambler

Definition of an economic system: System of production, distribution, and consumption of products within a nation.

Market economy: System where prices and wages are determined by supply and demand of the product

Photo by bradleygee

Example of a Market Economy: The United States. Prices of products and wages of workers are changed only if the demand of the product provided is to change.

Photo by trustypics

Command economy: System where prices and wages to workers depend entirely on the government.

Example of a command economy: North Korea. In a country where everything is run by the government, it's not surprising that it would have total power over the peoples' money as well.

Photo by m.joedicke

Traditional economy: System where customs, traditions and beliefs determine the goods and services provided.

Example of a traditional economy: Guatemala. They sell products mostly in outdoor markets. Usually private sales people. Normally, products will be native to their country.

Photo by amslerPIX

Mixed economy: System that has both private enterprise and some government control.

Photo by j.reed

Example of a Mixed Economy: The United States. Although mentioned as a Market economy, the U.S. is also considered a Mixed because of it's element of government control.