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Published on Aug 30, 2017

This is about how determination was present throughout my life and how my mother and I never gave up.



and how it changed my life
Photo by Brettonium

When I was about 2 years old, I was diagnosed with both laryngomalacia and hypotonia, 2 disabilities that hampered my ability to walk at 2-3 years old as well as talk and do things that toddlers my age did. Hypotonia, which caused my laryngomalacia, is closely linked, though not as severe, as cerebral palsy.

One time, when I was getting my normal checkup, I suddenly couldn't breathe (laryngomalacia) and I was about to die. if it weren't for my doctor's skills, who I still see today, and my mother's patience, I would not be standing here today.

After that was all sorted out, I was placed in 3 different therapies: occupational (how to eat, write, etc), physical (running, walking, climbing, etc), and speech (talking, processing new words, etc).

The most memorable therapy I did was physical therapy because I remember the fun ball pit and games that I played that would eventually help me later in life.

Photo by Fort Meade

My mother was told that I would NEVER participate in hard sports like cross country, basketball, swimming, and ballet.

However, I have participated in and achieved many accomplishments in each and every one of those activities. This shows determination and willpower because no matter how much I was in pain and agony, I was DETERMINED to continue with the task at hand.

I still am determined today, for instance even though I hurt myself in cross country, I still participate in it and I made the team in time trials (tryouts).

Photo by dr.coop

My mother also showed determination throughout my life because even though she was told that her only daughter would be placed in special-ed schools, she chose to ignore the "rumors" and continued to try and make me seem like a normal kid.

Photo by Doug Wallick

Because of that determination, I now have the courage and determination to continue with all that I participate in.

Photo by Caleb Ekeroth

Determination has played a big role in my life, and I am grateful that my mother and I never gave up.

Photo by estherase