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Persuasion is the heart of the copywriter's art. Let's look at some copywriting tips which will help.

Want to become a copywriter? Angela Booth's copywriting course: Copywriting You Can Do gets you started: http://www.fabfreelancewriting.com/blog/copywriting-you-can-do/

(c) 2014. Angela Booth

Contact Angela at http://angelabooth.com/

Copywriting Tips: Try Subtle Persuasion

Published on Nov 06, 2015

Copywriting is the art of persuasion. Here are some copywriting tips which will help you to persuade, and to sell. Thanks to social media, copywriting is integral to your business. Use these tips to persuade in your emails, social media postings, and in your formal marketing too.

From Angela Booth: http://angelabooth.com/


Copywriting tips

Persuasion, the heart of the copywriter's art.
Persuasion is the heart of the copywriter's art. Let's look at some copywriting tips which will help.

Want to become a copywriter? Angela Booth's copywriting course: Copywriting You Can Do gets you started: http://www.fabfreelancewriting.com/blog/copywriting-you-can-do/

(c) 2014. Angela Booth

Contact Angela at http://angelabooth.com/
Photo by Rojer

"But you are Free..."

Four words. They can double the success of your copy.
Four words: "but you are free" can double your success in writing copy. They're super-persuasive.

Try -- "But it's your decision”:

Simple words, more powerful copy.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Put Yourself In Their Shoes.

How do you feel? What matters to you?
Pretend you're an actor. Imagine yourself in your prospect's shoes.

Imagine your prospect's work environment.

Does he have children?

What does he do in his downtime?

What's his biggest challenge?
Photo by dkshots

Set a goal.

What response do you want?
You've walked in your prospect's shoes.

Now walk in your own. What response do your want from your copy?
Photo by Hussain Isa

Love Your Product.

Learn about your product. Build your enthusiasm.
Your prospect. Your product.

A match made in heaven?

Yes.. but you have to match them up, using research.

Advertising master David Ogilvy said: "Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals."

Learn about your product. Then learn some more. Get enthusiastic.

Write and Test Powerful headlines.

Write 20 headlines.
Write 20 headlines.

Tomorrow, write another 20.

Be wild, be whacky. Remember your prospect. Which headline would be irresistible to him?

The more important the copy, the more time your headline deserves.

Remember Your CAlls To action.

Your CTAs are important too.
What's just as important as your headline?

Your call to action.

What would motivate your prospect to ACT?

David Ogilvy again: "Don't bunt. Aim out of the ball park. Aim for the company of immortals."

From: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/davidogilv384087.html#yVRPy578Fg...
Photo by Tojosan

Pain and Pleasure.

Use the power of psychological triggers.
Think about your prospect, and consider Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

Sex sells because it's a primal need.

15 psychological triggers:
Photo by Shootingsnow

Get it written.

Nothing happens until you sell something.
Our final copywriting tip: get it written and selling.

Nothing happens until you sell something!

New to writing copy?

Copywriting You Can Do:

Questions? Contact Angela Booth: