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Written by:William Shakespeare
Pictures by: Brandon Salgado

A- is for Anger
Prince Hamlet was angry at the news of hearing how his father was murdered

B- is for Bernado
Bernado is a soldier in the story Hamlet. He was the first speaker in the play and was on watch when the ghost appeared

C- is for Claudius
King Claudius is the villain of the story. He murdered Hamlet father and married Hamlet mother.

D- is for Denmark
Denmark is the country that King Claudius reigns. Hamlet is the prince of Denmark.

E- is for Elsinore
Elsinore is the name of the castle the story takes palace.

F- is for Fortinbras
The prince of Norway was named Fortinbras. He later became ruler of Denmark

G- is for Ghost
King Hamlet returns as a ghost to tell his son the truth about his death.

H- is for Hamlet
Hamlet is the main character of the play. Hamlet plots to avenge his father death

I- is for irony
The play Hamlet is ironic because laertes was killed by his own treacherous weapon.

J- is for Justice
Hamlet wanted justice after discovering the truth of his father murder

K- is for King Hamlet
King Hamlet was murdered by his brother, and returned as a apparition to inform his son of his death

L- is for laertes
Laertes was the brother of Ophelia. He wanted to get revenge by killing Hamlet after murdering his father Polonius.

M- is for madness
Hamlet is accused of going mad after he begins acting stranger and impulsive

N- is for nature
Ophelia loves nature and drowns in a pond

O- is for Ophelia
Ophelia was prince Hamlet love interest. Ophelia is torn between obeying her father or accepting hamlets love

P- is for Polonius
Polonius was king Claudia right hand man. Polonius was murdered by Hamlet after being mistaken by the king.

Q- is for queen Gertrude
Queen Gertrude is the mother of Hamlet. Who married Hamlet uncle shortly after her ex husband death

R- is for Romance
In the play there is a romance between Hamlet and Ophelia.

S- is for sadness
In the play there is a lot of sadness. Hamlet heart breaks after the death of his father and Ophelia. Laertes becomes saddened at the news of his father death, and later about his sister drowning

T- is for tragedy
The play hamlet is a epic tragedy. Almost every single character dies including Hamlet

U- is for University
Hamlet was attending a university in England. He returned to Denmark to attend his fathers funeral

V- is for verily
"Verily" is an Elizabethan term that means truly. Hamlet verily loved Ophelia

W- is for William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare is the author of the tragedy Hamlet. How was born on April 23, 1564. He died in April 1616 in Stratford

X- is for xoxo
Xoxo stands for hugs and kisses. This represents the the feelings that hamlet and Ophelia have for each other

Y- is for Yorick
Yorick was king Hamlet jester. When hamlet was in the graveyard before Ophelia funeral, he stumbled across yoricks grave

Z- is for zealous
Claudius was zealous at the fact that King Hamlet was ruler of Denmark

About the Author
Brandon Salgado was born September 3, 1997 in Santa Barbara California. He moved to Texas before he turned one and has lived there ever since. He enjoys playing soccer, hanging out with his best friend and watching Netflix. He enjoys English and all it's fascinating stories.