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  • Memory is learning that has persisted over time, information that has been stored and can be retrieved.
  • People have an amazing capacity for memory.
  • People accomplish fantastic feats in terms of memory
Photo by Stéfan


  • Models of how memory works help us to understand ourselves.
  • One model often used is a computers information processing system. Which is in some ways similar to human memory.
  • Psychologist have purposes several information processing models of memory.
Photo by JD Hancock


  • Encoding: is something getting information into our brain.
  • Storage: is the retention of information over time
  • Retrieval: the process of getting information out of memory storage
  • Sensory memory: the immediate, very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system
  • Short term memory: activated memory that holds a few items briefly, such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing, before the information is stored or forgotten
  • Long term memory: is the relatively permanent or limitless storehouse of the memory system.
  • Working memory: a newer understanding of short term memory that focuses on conconcious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual spacial information, and of information retrieved from long term memory.
Photo by apalapala


  • The brain has the ability to preform simultaneous activity without conscious attention.
  • we encode and retain vast amounts of information automatically but retain other types of information to encode
  • There is a greater ease of remembering mental pictures we more usually remember concrete words which lens themselves to abstract imagery.
  • There are multiple ways we organize our information such as chunking, which is when we recall information that is organized into familiar manageable chunks.
Photo by Gage Skidmore

automatic processing

  • the automatic retention of information that has to concise with simple tasks or keeping up with frequency and spacial ideals
  • deciphering words are easier and can be completed as well with automatic processing
Photo by garryknight

Effortful processing

  • the intention to try and encode information into the mind through effort and memorizing said information. this can be done through rehearsal and creative thinking.
  • used when creating novels or writing in general.
Photo by No_Water

what we encode

the process of creating or making information that can be contained
Photo by benchilada

levels of processing

  • processing a word deeply by its meaning produces better recognition of it at a later time than does shallow processing
Photo by TeryKats

visual encoding

  • using imagery or mnemonic devices, people are able to memorize images and cases of memorization.
  • the principal of understanding how to link words with pictures so that those words can be pulled easily.
Photo by BigTallGuy

organizing information for encoding

  • chunking is the effort to put grouped items together so that they are easier to remember.
  • using hierarchy to process information so that more important information can be retrieved easier than the less important.
Photo by ukanda

storage: retaining information

memory storage used to encase all information encoded
Photo by netzanette

sensory information

  • iconic memory used to retrieve fleeting images or picturing what exact moments after it occurred.
  • echoic memory is the auditory stimuli that happen to create the memory that is hard to retrieve.
Photo by netzanette

working/short term memory

  • memory is separated into two parts. working short term memory is the memory that is momentary and taken in then removed to retain norm amounts of information without retaining everything that happens
Photo by crsan

long term memory

  • memory used to retain hard wired information that is important or is encoded permanently into the brain. used to remember important moments or learned subjects
Photo by halfrain

storing memories

  • information can be stored in order to snap info into place so that the encoding is successful in keeping into the brain and the cerebellum can retrieve and process the info later.
  • the info can be entered many ways but not leveled by biological and psychological means.

retrieval cues

  • information is claimed and then those bits of clues that are used to bring back information by any means neccessary. this said means that the cues that were used claim the information to be accessed like seeing a puppy and thinking of your own puppy even though they are not connected in any way.


  • the information retrieved can always be accessed but is really cut off and considered invalid unless called upon constantly.
Photo by thisisbossi


  • recalling information is difficult on a variety of levels. the methods in order to remember a memory or retrieve the information due to relevence and category.
Photo by stallio

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