The Community Circles have been created by Community Taranaki to be a regular meeting place for the active citizens of Taranaki. They are held every three months with the seasons — Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.
The Community Circles have been created by Community Taranaki to be a regular meeting place for the active citizens of Taranaki. They are held every three months with the seasons — Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.
Our purpose is to see our active citizens much better connected with one another, to promote generous engagement on all our major social and environmental issues, and to support each other on initiatives which work towards the common good.
It’s a simple recipe: We ask a few people to start the ball rolling with a short keynote on what they are seeing in our community right now, what they are concerned about, and what opportunities do they see.
... then we break into small groups and get into the conversations. We finish off with a full circle sharing of the nuggets and insights that have come to the surface during these small groups.
we need to change the nature of the conversations we are having with one another
This work is based on a simple insight: If we want to change the nature of our communities ... then we need to change the nature of the conversations we are having with one another.
The circles are not the usual public meetings that are often issue-based, and sometimes driven by a crisis or dominated by a few speakers. Such meetings are not always the best way for us to have a real creative conversation.
The Community Circles are not trying to decide on anything ... but they are trying to build stronger relationships across the diverse leadership, groups, interests and activities that make up this place we love and share.
We are trying to explore deeper conversations between us as local citizens .... conversations that seek to foster reflection, listening, questioning, and dialogue about how we can work together to create the communities we wish to live in.
all our work will be different if we are better connected with one another
We think that all our work for the common good would look very different if all the active citizens of our province were better connected with one another.
Thanks to our partnership with the Community Development team at the New Plymouth District Council, the three-monthly circles are held in the New Plymouth District Council Chambers.