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Cold War

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The U.S. And Russia relationship after WWII:

Once Germany lost World War II, Russia's influence in that area worried the U.S. Also, they both had different economic and political ideals. And in 1949 Russia detonated a nuclear weapon, which killed the U.S. nuke monopoly. With that happening, the U.S. & Russia were flexing their nuclear muscles throughout the 50's and 60's to try and gain a political edge.

Events that occurred in the late 40's and 50's that heightened tensions between the U.S. And Russia:

What had happened was that the Russians had detonated their first atomic bomb 9 months after the U.S. Did. This event concerned and frightened Americans. Mostly because we were on bad terms with the Russians to begin with. We as a nation and not just a society were very afraid that the Russians would nuke us.

Preparations that Americans took to prepare for nuclear war:

They had bomb drills, much like we have tornado drills, they made bomb bunkers, survival kits, and doomsday drills. They made sure they had enough food in shelters to survive for many years after a nuclear war. They would show crude videos to school-age kids to prepare them for a nuclear bomb detonation in the U.S.

Role that the Civil Defense played in keeping Americans safe:

The Civil Defense was implemented to protect the civilians from military attack. This program was only needed for emergencies that threatened the public, along with war. It was also used to counter attack the threat of aerial bombing and war. It became a widespread organization in most countries after the threat of nuclear war.