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The Civil War economy has grown a lot during the war. The Northern states traded with the Southern states a lot during this time period. Ex. cotton, troops, and even bacon!
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Civil War Economy

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Civil War Economy

by: CARDIN and Gaven
The Civil War economy has grown a lot during the war. The Northern states traded with the Southern states a lot during this time period. Ex. cotton, troops, and even bacon!
Photo by Proxy Indian

Who was trading with the United States during the Civil War?

The North was trading with the South a lot during the Civil War. Ex. $125 for 568 lbs. of bacon.

Photo by kjetil_r

Also the Confederate states of America imported cotton from Europe.

Photo by monstro

What were the main imports and exports for the United States during this time?

Photo by sodaro,k

The North was able to export worn out supplies to the South.

Photo by ell brown

The Americans were able to export cotton to Europe so Europe could import a lot of troops for the Civil War.

Describe the economic growth of the United States during the Civil War?

Photo by Great Beyond

The South made money by exporting cotton to the North and they printed their own money.

By 1860, 90% of the nations manufacturing output came from the Northern states.

Photo by karlsbad

Citations: Question 1: thebbhc.org, tshaonline.org. Question 2: civilwarhome.com, mshistorynow.mdah.state.ms.us. Question 3: shmoop.com, nps.gone.