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Character Traits

Published on Jul 24, 2018

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Super Sleuth Character Traits

Photo by Matteo Sorba

What is a SLEUTH?

Photo by Caro's Lines

A Sleuth is a detective who uses clues to draw a conclusion.

Let's Practice...

I become nervous around new people. My hands get sweaty and I feel uncomfortable.

You can describe me as...? Is the trait implied or stated?

Photo by Ardinnnn :)

I enjoy talking to people, and will openly chat with anyone. I love to attend parties, sing, and dance.

You can describe me as...? Is the trait implied or stated?

I do not like to be around others who don't think like me. It makes me angry when others argue with me. I am always right! No question about THAT!

You can describe me as...? Is the trait implied or stated?


  • *Use clues in the sentence to identify a character trait.
  • *We are using our inferencing skills to draw conclusions like a sleuth.



Identify a synonym for a sleuth.

List two positive character traits. After each, provide a Clue for a friend to solve.

List Two Negative Character Traits. after each, provide a clue for a friend to solve.

List five traits you hope others to see in you.

What is a clue that a character is disorganized?

Photo by EvelynGiggles

You have Truly double checked your work!!!

Turn work in when...