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Canada vs The United States

Published on Jun 12, 2017

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Canada vs The United States

Josie Palosky 

Whats better in the US?

  • Make 22.51% more money in the US
  • Use 15.09% less electricity than Canada
  • Consume 8.8% less oil
  • Have 30.42% more babies

Whats better?

  • Make 22.51% more money in the US
  • Have more money for housing, cars, food, gas,
  • I would spend less money on elecricity

Whats better?

  • I would consume less oil so I would leave less of a carbon foot print
  • Although I would be making and saving a lot of money I would also end up spending more on children because i'm more likley to have 2 rather than 2

Whats worse in the US?

  • 2.7 times more likely to get murdered
  • 5.9% more likely to be in prision
  • 40.19% more of a class divide
  • 4.59% less free time
  • 31% more likely to die in infancy
  • 2 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS
  • 2.82% more likely to be unemployed
  • die 2.11 years sooner

Whats worse?

  • With all the statics against my odds if I made it to adulthood with a decent job I would enjoy less time for myself and have a higher chance to land myself being murdered or end up in jail anyways.
  • I would spend double the money for health care that is half as good

What would I choose

  • By statistics Canada seems to be a far more advanced country from health care to prision systems
  • Although I would miss out on the money from the US I would be less likely to be murdered, I would be more likely to survive infancy, and I would like longer

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