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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Nation of Brunei, The Abode of Peace

Untitled Slide


Capital and largest city: Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei is a sovereign state located on the north coast of the island of Borneo, in Southeast Asia.

Brunei regained its independence from the United Kingdom on 1 January 1984.

Capital and largest city: Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei is a sovereign state located on the north coast of the island of Borneo, in Southeast Asia.

Brunei regained its independence from the United Kingdom on 1 January 1984.


  • Located in the northwestern region of the island of Borneo
  • High temperature and heavy rainfall
  • The average daily temperature: 24C to 30C
  • High humidity: 70% to 100%

MAIN Productions

  • Natural gas
  • Crude Oil

Developing Brunei Agriculture

  • Fruits
  • Rice farming
  • Fisheries
  • Livestock
  • Forestry

Current agricultural products

  • Rice
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

Brunei Music

Kendayan Music
- Aduk-Aduk: a ceremonial dance performed during holidays, especially at the end of the harvest season.
- Dancers wear the traditional warrior's attire (tengkolok, red belt and black clothing.
- They dance to the beat of Silat, a Malay martial art.
- The dance is accompanied by percussion instruments

Malay music
- Jipin or Zapin dance, performed by six men and women
- Dance is accompanied by instruments (Gambia dan biola, dombak, rebana etc.)
- Malay folk music is played at special feats and celebrations.
- Responsive singing is sometimes performed at weddings


  • Located in the northwestern region of the island of Borneo
  • High temperature and heavy rainfall
  • The average daily temperature: 24C to 30C
  • High humidity: 70% to 100%

Main productions

  • Natural gas
  • Crude oil

Developing brunei agriculture

  • Fruit
  • Rice farming
  • Fisheries
  • Livestock
  • Forestry

Current production

  • Rice
  • Vegetables
  • Different types of fruite

brunei music

1. Kedayan music
- Aduk-Aduk: a ceremonial dance performed during holidays, especially at the end of the harvest season.
- Dancers wear the traditional warrior's attire (tengkolok, red belt and black clothing.
- They dance to the beat of Silat, a Malay martial art.
- The dance is accompanied by percussion instruments

2. Malay music
- Jipin or Zapin dance, performed by six men and women
- Dance is accompanied by instruments (Gambia dan biola, dombak, rebana etc.)
- Malay folk music is played at special feats and celebrations.
- Responsive singing is sometimes performed at weddings

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