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Bread Mold

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Which Type of Bread Collects the Most Mold Over Time?


The purpose of this experiment is to determine which type of bread (White, Wheat or Whole Grain) collects the most mold over time. The mold progress will be examined everyday, and at the end, the growth of mold over time will be analyzed.

Hypothesis: If you are testing to see which type of bread (white, wheat, or whole grain) will collect the most mold over time, than white bread will collect the most mold fastest, because white bread has significantly less nutrients that wheat and whole grain bread.

Experimental Design:

  • All 3 types of bread were Stop & Shop brand.
  • All 3 types of bread were in a plastic bag, placed in a bread box in my kitchen.
  • A logbook was written in daily to keep track of progression.
  • Photos were taken regularly to have a source of information to back up my conclusion.


  • Wheat,Whole Grain and White Bread (all Stop & Shop brand)
  • Plastic bags to place bread in
  • Bread box
  • iPad/Camera for taking daily photos
  • Notebook for daily observations
  • Pen for writing in daily log book

Daily Log

  • 11/20/15: Picked project
  • 12/15/15: Purchased three types of (Stop and Shop Brand) bread, white, wheat & whole grain. (It is important to use one brand of bread to keep the experiment fair & unbiased).
  • The first appearance of evident mold was on 12/27/15. There was some slight mold on the white bread. No mold had been found on Wheat or Whole Grain as of then.
  • 12/31/15: Wheat Bread began to show slight mold. The white bread still had the most mold.

Daily Log (Part 2:)

  • 1/6/16: Now, the Whole Grain Bread obtained some grayish/brown mold. Every few days, I did some Literary Research and Experimental Research that is included in my Research paper.
  • 1/15/16: The white bread has numerous shades and sizes of mold colonies. The whole surface of the bread was discolored and looked absolutely disgusting. Although the other breads have a decent amount of mold, it is safe to say that (thus far) white bread has collected the most mold in about a month's time.

Daily Log (Part 3)

  • 2/25/16: With about 2 months worth of time to let the bread mold, all 3 types obtained mold over time. Although all 3 have made progress, the white bread still easily has the most mold.
  • White bread still had the most mold, and was continuing to discolor.
  • 3/10/16: Powerpoint and Research Paper were started.


From Beginning to End:

  • As you can see on the previous slide, over a few months, the bread has grown a significant amount of mold. Not only has all three types of bread grown mold, but they have gained some discoloration.


  • I noticed by the end of the project, that the white bread had mold that looked different than the other types of bread. The white bread had been covered in many different shades of mold and discoloration, while the whole grain and wheat bread had mostly greenish mold. The white bread not only showed green mold colonies, but also brown, black and tan mold colonies and discoloration.


  • In the end some conclusions were drawn. The hypothesis that if you were testing to see which type of bread collects the most mold over time, then the Whitebread would collect the most mold.

Conclusion (Part 2)

  • By the end, l three types of bread collected mold, but obviously the white bread collected the most.

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