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Bosnian Genocide

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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In 1992 the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina they declared their independence. Bosnia and Herzegovina became the center of the fighting between Serbs, Croats ,and Bosniak's ( Bosnian Muslims)

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What's going on
The country's or regions involved are Bosnia, Serbrenica,and Yugoslav
The country's civilians like the women and girls were put on buses to be sent to Bosnian-held territory. The women and girls were sexually assaulted, or raped. The men and boys who remained were immediately killed or bused to mass killing sites.
It all began in April of 1992.
It is occurring at Bosnia.

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This problem all began when Bosnia declared their independence from Yugoslav.

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In need of financial aid it was the worst genocide since the nazi regimes destruction of 6 million European Jews during world war 2. The death of 96,000 bosniaks ( Bosnia Muslims).
Due to the nature of the attacks on civilians during the Bosnian and Croatian wars. The united nations started the international criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia in 1993 the tribunal is tasked for prosecuting offenders who contributed to the deaths of Bosnian Muslim.

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Photo by riacale

The bosniak's were killed for wanting independence from Yugoslavia the total killed was 100,000 deaths of people. If this genocide does not get financial aid some more bosniak's might die or suffer from serious injuries. It was the largest massacre since the Holocaust.